Definisi Manajemen menurut Stoner adalah suatu proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan, dan pengawasan usaha-usaha para anggota organisasi dan penggunaan sumberdayasumberdaya organisasi lainnya agar mencapai tujuan organisasi yang telah ditetapkan.
Menurut UU No. 25/1992 yang termasuk Perangkat Organisasi Koperasi adalah:
Rapat Anggota
• Setiap anggota koperasi mempunyai hak, dan kewajiban yang sama. Seorang anggota berhak menghadiri rapat anggota dan memberikan suara dalam rapat anggota serta mengemukakan pendapat dan saran kepada pengurus baaik di luar maupun di dalam rapat anggota. Anggota juga harus ikut serta mengadakan pengawasan atas jalannya organisasi dan usaha koperasi.
Pengurus Koperasi
Menurut Leon Garayon dan Paul O. Mohn mdalam bukunya “The Board of Directions of Cooperatives” fungsi pengurus adalah:
• Pemberi nasihat
• Pengawas atau orang yang dapat dipercaya
• Pusat pengambil keputusan tertinggi
• Simbol
• Penjaga berkesinambungannya organisasi
• Tugas pengawas adalah melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap tata kehidupan koperasi, termasuk organisasi, usaha-usaha dan pelaksanaan kebijaksanaan pengurus, serta membuat laporan tertulis tentang pemeriksaan.
• Peranan manajer adalah membuat rencana ke depan sesuai dengan ruang lingkup dan wewenangnya; mengelola sumberdaya secara efisien, memberikan perintah, bertindak sebagai pemimpin dan mampu melaksanakan kerjasama dengan orang lain untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi (to get things done by working with and through people).
Pendekatan Sistem pada Koperasi
• Menurut Draheim koperasi mempunyai sifat ganda yaitu:
- organisasi dari orang-orang dengan unsur eksternal ekonomi dan sifat-sifat sosial (pendekatan sosiologi).
- perusahaan biasa yang harus dikelola sebagai layaknya perusahaan biasa dalam ekonomi pasar (pendekatan neo klasik).
Kamis, 01 Desember 2011
Sisa Hasil Usaha (SHU)
1. Pengertian SHU Menurut pasal 45 ayat (1) UU No. 25/1992, adalah sebagai berikut :
* Sisa Hasil Usaha Koperasi merupakan pendapatan koperasi yang diperoleh dalam satu tahun buku dikurangi biaya, penyusutan dan kewajiban lainnya termasuk pajak dalam tahun buku yang bersangkutan.
* SHU setelah dikurangi dana cadangan, dibagikan kepada anggota sebanding jasa usaha yang dilakukan oleh masing-masing anggota dengan koperasi, serta digunakan untuk keperluan pendidikan perkoperasian dan keperluan koperasi, sesuai dengan keputusan Rapat Anggota.
* Besarnya pemupukan modal dana cadangan ditetapkan dalam Rapat Anggota.
* Penetapan besarnya pembagian kepada para anggota dan jenis serta jumlahnya ditetapkan oleh Rapat Anggota sesuai dengan AD/ART Koperasi.
* Besarnya SHU yang diterima oleh setiap anggota akan berbeda, tergantung besarnya partisipasi modal dan transaksi anggota terhadap pembentukan pendapatan koperasi.
* Semakin besar transaksi (usaha dan modal) anggota dengan koperasinya, maka semakin besar SHU yang akan diterima
2. Informasi Dasar Beberapa informasi dasar dalam penghitungan SHU anggota diketahui sebagai berikut.
* SHU Total Koperasi pada satu tahun buku
* Bagian (persentase) SHU anggota
* Total simpanan seluruh anggota
* Total seluruh transaksi usaha (volume usaha atau omzet) yang bersumber dari anggota
* Jumlah simpanan per anggota
* Omzet atau volume usaha per anggota
* Bagian (persentase) SHU untuk simpanan anggota
* Bagian (persentase) SHU untuk transaksi usaha anggota
3. Rumus Pembagian SHU Menurut UU No. 25/1992 pasal 5 ayat 1 mengatakan bahwa “Pembagian SHU kepada anggota dilakukan tidak semata-mata berdasarkan modal yang dimiliki seseorang dalam koperasi, tetapi juga berdasarkan perimbangan jasa usaha anggota terhadap koperasi. Ketentuan ini merupakan perwujudan kekeluargaan dan keadilan Di dalam AD/ART koperasi telah ditentukan pembagian SHU sebagai berikut: Cadangan koperasi 40%, jasa anggota 40%, dana pengurus 5%, dana karyawan 5%, dana pendidikan 5%, dana sosial 5%, dana pembangunan lingkungan 5%. Tidak semua komponen di atas harus diadopsi dalam membagi SHU-nya. Hal ini tergantung dari keputusan anggota yang ditetapkan dalam rapat anggota.
4. Prinsip prinsip Pembagian SHU
* SHU yang dibagi adalah yang bersumber dari anggota.
* SHU anggota adalah jasa dari modal dan transaksi usaha yang dilakukan anggota sendiri.
* Pembagian SHU anggota dilakukan secara transparan
* SHU anggota dibayar secara tunai
5. Pembagian SHU per Anggota •SHUA = JUA + JMA Keterangan: > SHUA : Sisa Hasil Usaha Anggota > JUA : Jasa Usaha Anggota > JMA : Jasa Modal Anggota Sumber:
* Sisa Hasil Usaha Koperasi merupakan pendapatan koperasi yang diperoleh dalam satu tahun buku dikurangi biaya, penyusutan dan kewajiban lainnya termasuk pajak dalam tahun buku yang bersangkutan.
* SHU setelah dikurangi dana cadangan, dibagikan kepada anggota sebanding jasa usaha yang dilakukan oleh masing-masing anggota dengan koperasi, serta digunakan untuk keperluan pendidikan perkoperasian dan keperluan koperasi, sesuai dengan keputusan Rapat Anggota.
* Besarnya pemupukan modal dana cadangan ditetapkan dalam Rapat Anggota.
* Penetapan besarnya pembagian kepada para anggota dan jenis serta jumlahnya ditetapkan oleh Rapat Anggota sesuai dengan AD/ART Koperasi.
* Besarnya SHU yang diterima oleh setiap anggota akan berbeda, tergantung besarnya partisipasi modal dan transaksi anggota terhadap pembentukan pendapatan koperasi.
* Semakin besar transaksi (usaha dan modal) anggota dengan koperasinya, maka semakin besar SHU yang akan diterima
2. Informasi Dasar Beberapa informasi dasar dalam penghitungan SHU anggota diketahui sebagai berikut.
* SHU Total Koperasi pada satu tahun buku
* Bagian (persentase) SHU anggota
* Total simpanan seluruh anggota
* Total seluruh transaksi usaha (volume usaha atau omzet) yang bersumber dari anggota
* Jumlah simpanan per anggota
* Omzet atau volume usaha per anggota
* Bagian (persentase) SHU untuk simpanan anggota
* Bagian (persentase) SHU untuk transaksi usaha anggota
3. Rumus Pembagian SHU Menurut UU No. 25/1992 pasal 5 ayat 1 mengatakan bahwa “Pembagian SHU kepada anggota dilakukan tidak semata-mata berdasarkan modal yang dimiliki seseorang dalam koperasi, tetapi juga berdasarkan perimbangan jasa usaha anggota terhadap koperasi. Ketentuan ini merupakan perwujudan kekeluargaan dan keadilan Di dalam AD/ART koperasi telah ditentukan pembagian SHU sebagai berikut: Cadangan koperasi 40%, jasa anggota 40%, dana pengurus 5%, dana karyawan 5%, dana pendidikan 5%, dana sosial 5%, dana pembangunan lingkungan 5%. Tidak semua komponen di atas harus diadopsi dalam membagi SHU-nya. Hal ini tergantung dari keputusan anggota yang ditetapkan dalam rapat anggota.
4. Prinsip prinsip Pembagian SHU
* SHU yang dibagi adalah yang bersumber dari anggota.
* SHU anggota adalah jasa dari modal dan transaksi usaha yang dilakukan anggota sendiri.
* Pembagian SHU anggota dilakukan secara transparan
* SHU anggota dibayar secara tunai
5. Pembagian SHU per Anggota •SHUA = JUA + JMA Keterangan: > SHUA : Sisa Hasil Usaha Anggota > JUA : Jasa Usaha Anggota > JMA : Jasa Modal Anggota Sumber:
Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011
A. Jenis koperasi berdasarkan fungsinya :
1. Koperasi Konsumsi
Koperasi ini didirikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan umum sehari-hari para anggotanya. Yang pasti barang kebutuhan yang dijual di koperasi harus lebih murah dibantingkan di tempat lain, karena koperasi bertujuan untuk mensejahterakan anggotanya.
2. Koperasi Jasa
Fungsinya adalah untuk memberikan jasa keuangan dalam bentuk pinjaman kepada para anggotanya. Tentu bunga yang dipatok harus lebih renda dari tempat meminjam uang yang lain.
3. Koperasi Produksi
Bidang usahanya adalah membantu penyediaan bahan baku, penyediaan peralatan produksi, membantu memproduksi jenis barang tertentu serta membantu menjual dan memasarkannya hasil produksi tersebut. Sebaiknya anggotanya terdiri atas unit produksi yang sejenis. Semakin banyak jumlah penyediaan barang maupun penjualan barang maka semakin kuat daya tawar terhadap suplier dan pembeli.
B. Jenis koperasi berdasarkan tingkat dan luas daerah kerja :
1. Koperasi Primer
Koperasi primer ialah koperasi yang yang minimal memiliki anggota sebanyak 20 orang perseorangan.
2. Koperasi Sekunder
Koperasi Sekunder adalah koperasi yang terdiri dari gabungan badan-badan koperasi serta memiliki cakupan daerah kerja yang luas dibandingkan dengan koperasi primer.
Koperasi sekunder dapat dibagi menjadi :
a. koperasi pusat adalah koperasi yang beranggotakan paling sedikit 5 koperasi primer
b. gabungan koperasi adalah koperasi yang anggotanya minimal 3 koperasi pusat
c. induk koperasi adalah koperasi yang minimum anggotanya adalah 3 gabungan koperasi
Permodalan Koperasi :
Yang dimaksud permodalan pada koperasi yaitu cara koperasi mendanai usaha yang akan dilaksanakan pada koperasi, biasanya ada 2 bentuk permodalan yaitu dalam bentuk uang dan barang. Koperasi mendapatkan sumber modal dari bank.
Prinsip-prinsip yang ada pada koperasi dan peran serta koperasi pada dasarnya adalah untuk memajukan pereonomian Indonesia, memperkokoh perekonomian rakyat indonesia dengan jalan pembinaan koperasi.
1. Koperasi Konsumsi
Koperasi ini didirikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan umum sehari-hari para anggotanya. Yang pasti barang kebutuhan yang dijual di koperasi harus lebih murah dibantingkan di tempat lain, karena koperasi bertujuan untuk mensejahterakan anggotanya.
2. Koperasi Jasa
Fungsinya adalah untuk memberikan jasa keuangan dalam bentuk pinjaman kepada para anggotanya. Tentu bunga yang dipatok harus lebih renda dari tempat meminjam uang yang lain.
3. Koperasi Produksi
Bidang usahanya adalah membantu penyediaan bahan baku, penyediaan peralatan produksi, membantu memproduksi jenis barang tertentu serta membantu menjual dan memasarkannya hasil produksi tersebut. Sebaiknya anggotanya terdiri atas unit produksi yang sejenis. Semakin banyak jumlah penyediaan barang maupun penjualan barang maka semakin kuat daya tawar terhadap suplier dan pembeli.
B. Jenis koperasi berdasarkan tingkat dan luas daerah kerja :
1. Koperasi Primer
Koperasi primer ialah koperasi yang yang minimal memiliki anggota sebanyak 20 orang perseorangan.
2. Koperasi Sekunder
Koperasi Sekunder adalah koperasi yang terdiri dari gabungan badan-badan koperasi serta memiliki cakupan daerah kerja yang luas dibandingkan dengan koperasi primer.
Koperasi sekunder dapat dibagi menjadi :
a. koperasi pusat adalah koperasi yang beranggotakan paling sedikit 5 koperasi primer
b. gabungan koperasi adalah koperasi yang anggotanya minimal 3 koperasi pusat
c. induk koperasi adalah koperasi yang minimum anggotanya adalah 3 gabungan koperasi
Permodalan Koperasi :
Yang dimaksud permodalan pada koperasi yaitu cara koperasi mendanai usaha yang akan dilaksanakan pada koperasi, biasanya ada 2 bentuk permodalan yaitu dalam bentuk uang dan barang. Koperasi mendapatkan sumber modal dari bank.
Prinsip-prinsip yang ada pada koperasi dan peran serta koperasi pada dasarnya adalah untuk memajukan pereonomian Indonesia, memperkokoh perekonomian rakyat indonesia dengan jalan pembinaan koperasi.
Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011
Koperasi Indonesia
Koperasi adalah organisasi bisnis yang dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh orang-seorang demi kepentingan bersama. Koperasi melandaskan kegiatan berdasarkan prinsip gerakan ekonomi rakyat yang berdasarkan asas kekeluargaan.
Dalam Penjelasan UUD 1945 itu dikatakan bahwa bangun usaha yang paling cocok dengan asas kekeluargaan itu adalah Koperasi. Tafsiran itu sering pula dikemukakan oleh Mohammad Hatta, yang sering disebut sebagai perumus pasal tersebut. Pada Penjelasan konstitusi tersebut juga dikatakan, bahwa sistem ekonomi Indonesia didasarkan pada asas Demokrasi Ekonomi, di mana produksi dilakukan oleh semua dan untuk semua yang wujudnya dapat ditafsirkan sebagai Koperasi.Dalam wacana sistem ekonomi dunia, Koperasi disebut juga sebagai the third way, atau jalan ketiga. Istilah yang akhir-akhir ini dipopulerkan oleh sosiolog Inggris, Anthony Giddens, yaitu sebagai jalan tengah antara kapitalisme dan sosialisme. Koperasi diperkenalkan di Indonesia oleh R. Aria Wiriatmadja di Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah pada tahun 1896. Ia mendirikan Koperasi kredit dengan tujuan membantu rakyatnya yang terjerat hutang dengan rentenir. R. Aria Wiriatmadja atau Tirto Adisuryo, yang kemudian dibantu pengembangannya oleh pejabat Belanda dan akhirnya menjadi program resmi pemerintah. Seorang pejabat pemerintah Belanda, yang kemudian menjadi sarjana ekonomi, Booke, juga menaruh perhatian terhadap Koperasi. Atas dasar tesisnya, tentang dualisme sosial budaya masyarakat Indonesia antara sektor modern dan sektor tradisional, ia berkesimpulan bahwa sistem usaha Koperasi lebih cocok bagi kaum pribumi daripada bentuk badan-badan usaha kapitalis. Pandangan ini agaknya disetujui oleh pemerintah Hindia Belanda sehingga pemerintah kolonial itu mengadopsi kebijakan pembinaan Koperasi.Meski Koperasi tersebut berkembang pesat hingga tahun 1933-an, pemerintah Kolonial Belanda khawatir Koperasi akan dijadikan tempat pusat perlawanan, namun Koperasi menjamur kembali hingga pada masa pendudukan Jepang dan kemerdekaan. Pada tanggal 12 Juli 1947, pergerakan Koperasi di Indonesia mengadakan Kongres Koperasi yang pertama di Tasikmalaya. Hari ini kemudian ditetapkan sebagai Hari Koperasi Indonesia.Bung Hatta meneruskan tradisi pemikiran ekonomi sebelumnya. Ketertarikannya kepada sistem Koperasi agaknya adalah karena pengaruh kunjungannya ke negara-negara Skandinavia, khususnya Denmark, pada akhir tahun 1930-an. Walaupun ia sering mengaitkan Koperasi dengan nilai dan lembaga tradisional gotong-royong, namun persepsinya tentang Koperasi adalah sebuah organisasi ekonomi modern yang berkembang di Eropa Barat. Ia pernah juga membedakan antara Koperasi sosial yang berdasarkan asas gotong royong, dengan Koperasi ekonomi yang berdasarkan asas-asas ekonomi pasar yang rasional dan kompetitif. Bagi Bung Hatta, Koperasi bukanlah sebuah lembaga yang antipasar atau nonpasar dalam masyarakat tradisional. Koperasi, baginya adalah sebuah lembaga self-help lapisan masyarakat yang lemah atau rakyat kecil untuk bisa mengendalikan pasar. Karena itu Koperasi harus bisa bekerja dalam sistem pasar, dengan cara menerapkan prinsip efisiensi. Koperasi juga bukan sebuah komunitas tertutup, tetapi terbuka, dengan melayani non-anggota, walaupun dengan maksud untuk menarik mereka menjadi anggota Koperasi, setelah merasakan manfaat berhubungan dengan Koperasi. Dengan cara itulah sistem Koperasi akan mentransformasikan sistem ekonomi kapitalis yang tidak ramah terhadap pelaku ekonomi kecil melalui persaingan bebas (kompetisi), menjadi sistem yang lebih bersandar kepada kerja sama atau Koperasi, tanpa menghancurkan pasar yang kompetitif.
Prinsip koperasi adalah suatu sistem ide-ide abstrak yang merupakan petunjuk untuk membangun koperasi yang efektif dan tahan lama. Prinsip koperasi terbaru yang dikembangkan International Cooperative Alliance (Federasi koperasi non-pemerintah internasional) adalah keanggotaan yang bersifat terbuka dan sukarela, pengelolaan yang demokratis, partisipasi anggota dalam (ekonomi), kebebasan dan otonomi, serta pengembangan pendidikan, pelatihan, dan informasi. Prinsip koperasi di Indonesia kurang lebih sama dengan prinsip yang diakui dunia internasional dengan adanya sedikit perbedaan, yaitu adanya penjelasan mengenai SHU (Sisa Hasil Usaha).
Bahwa koperasi memiliki tujuan dan peranan antara lain yaitu mengembangkan potensi dan kemampuan ekonomi anggota dan masyarakat, berupaya mempertinggi kualitas kehidupan manusia, memperkokoh perekonomian rakyat, mengembangkan perekonomian nasional, serta mengembangkan kreativitas dan jiwa berorganisasi bagi pelajar bangsa.
1. Sebagai urat nadi kegiatan perekonomian indonesia
2. Sebagai upaya mendemokrasikan sosial ekonomi indonesia
3. Untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan warga negara indonesia
4. Memperkokoh perekonomian rakyat indonesia dengan jalan pembinaan koperasi
Arti dari Lambang Koperasi :
No Lambang Arti
1 Perisai Upaya keras yang ditempuh secara terus menerus. Hanya orang yang pekerja keras yang bisa menjadi calon Anggota dengan memenuhi beberapa persyaratannya.
2 Rantai (di sebelah kiri) Ikatan kekeluargaan, persatuan dan persahabatan yang kokoh. Bahwa anggota sebuah Koperasi adalah Pemilik Koperasi tersebut, maka semua Anggota menjadi bersahabat, bersatu dalam kekeluargaan, dan yang mengikat sesama anggota adalah hukum yang dirancang sebagai Anggaran Dasar (AD) / Anggaran Rumah Tangga (ART) Koperasi. Dengan bersama-sama bersepakat mentaati AD/ART, maka Padi dan Kapas akan mudah diperoleh.
3 Kapas dan Padi (di sebelah kanan) Kemakmuran anggota koperasi secara khusus dan rakyat secara umum yang diusahakan oleh koperasi. Kapas sebagai bahan dasar sandang (pakaian), dan Padi sebagai bahan dasar pangan (makanan). Mayoritas sudah disebut makmur-sejahtera jika cukup sandang dan pangan.
4 Timbangan Keadilan sosial sebagai salah satu dasar koperasi. Biasanya menjadi simbol hukum. Semua Anggota koperasi harus adil dan seimbang antara "Rantai" dan "Padi-Kapas", antara "Kewajiban" dan "Hak". Dan yang menyeimbangkan itu adalah Bintang dalam Perisai.
5 Bintang Dalam perisai yang dimaksud adalah Pancasila, merupakan landasan ideal koperasi. Bahwa Anggota Koperasi yang baik adalah yang mengindahkan nilai-nilai keyakinan dan kepercayaan, yang mendengarkan suara hatinya. Perisai bisa berarti "tubuh", dan Bintang bisa diartikan "Hati".
6 Pohon Beringin Simbol kehidupan, sebagaimana pohon dalam Gunungan wayang yang dirancang oleh Sunan Kalijaga. Dahan pohon disebut kayu (dari bahasa Arab "Hayyu"/kehidupan). Timbangan dan Bintang dalam Perisai menjadi nilai hidup yang harus dijunjung tinggi.
7 Koperasi Indonesia Koperasi yang dimaksud adalah koperasi rakyat Indonesia, bukan Koperasi negara lain. Tata-kelola dan tata-kuasa perkoperasian di luar negeri juga baik, namun sebagai Bangsa Indonesia harus punya tata-nilai sendiri.
8 Warna Merah Putih Warna merah dan putih yang menjadi background logo menggambarkan sifat nasional Indonesia.
Source :
Edited :
Made Wisnu Wijaya
Koperasi adalah organisasi bisnis yang dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh orang-seorang demi kepentingan bersama. Koperasi melandaskan kegiatan berdasarkan prinsip gerakan ekonomi rakyat yang berdasarkan asas kekeluargaan.
Dalam Penjelasan UUD 1945 itu dikatakan bahwa bangun usaha yang paling cocok dengan asas kekeluargaan itu adalah Koperasi. Tafsiran itu sering pula dikemukakan oleh Mohammad Hatta, yang sering disebut sebagai perumus pasal tersebut. Pada Penjelasan konstitusi tersebut juga dikatakan, bahwa sistem ekonomi Indonesia didasarkan pada asas Demokrasi Ekonomi, di mana produksi dilakukan oleh semua dan untuk semua yang wujudnya dapat ditafsirkan sebagai Koperasi.Dalam wacana sistem ekonomi dunia, Koperasi disebut juga sebagai the third way, atau jalan ketiga. Istilah yang akhir-akhir ini dipopulerkan oleh sosiolog Inggris, Anthony Giddens, yaitu sebagai jalan tengah antara kapitalisme dan sosialisme. Koperasi diperkenalkan di Indonesia oleh R. Aria Wiriatmadja di Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah pada tahun 1896. Ia mendirikan Koperasi kredit dengan tujuan membantu rakyatnya yang terjerat hutang dengan rentenir. R. Aria Wiriatmadja atau Tirto Adisuryo, yang kemudian dibantu pengembangannya oleh pejabat Belanda dan akhirnya menjadi program resmi pemerintah. Seorang pejabat pemerintah Belanda, yang kemudian menjadi sarjana ekonomi, Booke, juga menaruh perhatian terhadap Koperasi. Atas dasar tesisnya, tentang dualisme sosial budaya masyarakat Indonesia antara sektor modern dan sektor tradisional, ia berkesimpulan bahwa sistem usaha Koperasi lebih cocok bagi kaum pribumi daripada bentuk badan-badan usaha kapitalis. Pandangan ini agaknya disetujui oleh pemerintah Hindia Belanda sehingga pemerintah kolonial itu mengadopsi kebijakan pembinaan Koperasi.Meski Koperasi tersebut berkembang pesat hingga tahun 1933-an, pemerintah Kolonial Belanda khawatir Koperasi akan dijadikan tempat pusat perlawanan, namun Koperasi menjamur kembali hingga pada masa pendudukan Jepang dan kemerdekaan. Pada tanggal 12 Juli 1947, pergerakan Koperasi di Indonesia mengadakan Kongres Koperasi yang pertama di Tasikmalaya. Hari ini kemudian ditetapkan sebagai Hari Koperasi Indonesia.Bung Hatta meneruskan tradisi pemikiran ekonomi sebelumnya. Ketertarikannya kepada sistem Koperasi agaknya adalah karena pengaruh kunjungannya ke negara-negara Skandinavia, khususnya Denmark, pada akhir tahun 1930-an. Walaupun ia sering mengaitkan Koperasi dengan nilai dan lembaga tradisional gotong-royong, namun persepsinya tentang Koperasi adalah sebuah organisasi ekonomi modern yang berkembang di Eropa Barat. Ia pernah juga membedakan antara Koperasi sosial yang berdasarkan asas gotong royong, dengan Koperasi ekonomi yang berdasarkan asas-asas ekonomi pasar yang rasional dan kompetitif. Bagi Bung Hatta, Koperasi bukanlah sebuah lembaga yang antipasar atau nonpasar dalam masyarakat tradisional. Koperasi, baginya adalah sebuah lembaga self-help lapisan masyarakat yang lemah atau rakyat kecil untuk bisa mengendalikan pasar. Karena itu Koperasi harus bisa bekerja dalam sistem pasar, dengan cara menerapkan prinsip efisiensi. Koperasi juga bukan sebuah komunitas tertutup, tetapi terbuka, dengan melayani non-anggota, walaupun dengan maksud untuk menarik mereka menjadi anggota Koperasi, setelah merasakan manfaat berhubungan dengan Koperasi. Dengan cara itulah sistem Koperasi akan mentransformasikan sistem ekonomi kapitalis yang tidak ramah terhadap pelaku ekonomi kecil melalui persaingan bebas (kompetisi), menjadi sistem yang lebih bersandar kepada kerja sama atau Koperasi, tanpa menghancurkan pasar yang kompetitif.
Prinsip koperasi adalah suatu sistem ide-ide abstrak yang merupakan petunjuk untuk membangun koperasi yang efektif dan tahan lama. Prinsip koperasi terbaru yang dikembangkan International Cooperative Alliance (Federasi koperasi non-pemerintah internasional) adalah keanggotaan yang bersifat terbuka dan sukarela, pengelolaan yang demokratis, partisipasi anggota dalam (ekonomi), kebebasan dan otonomi, serta pengembangan pendidikan, pelatihan, dan informasi. Prinsip koperasi di Indonesia kurang lebih sama dengan prinsip yang diakui dunia internasional dengan adanya sedikit perbedaan, yaitu adanya penjelasan mengenai SHU (Sisa Hasil Usaha).
Bahwa koperasi memiliki tujuan dan peranan antara lain yaitu mengembangkan potensi dan kemampuan ekonomi anggota dan masyarakat, berupaya mempertinggi kualitas kehidupan manusia, memperkokoh perekonomian rakyat, mengembangkan perekonomian nasional, serta mengembangkan kreativitas dan jiwa berorganisasi bagi pelajar bangsa.
1. Sebagai urat nadi kegiatan perekonomian indonesia
2. Sebagai upaya mendemokrasikan sosial ekonomi indonesia
3. Untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan warga negara indonesia
4. Memperkokoh perekonomian rakyat indonesia dengan jalan pembinaan koperasi
Arti dari Lambang Koperasi :
No Lambang Arti
1 Perisai Upaya keras yang ditempuh secara terus menerus. Hanya orang yang pekerja keras yang bisa menjadi calon Anggota dengan memenuhi beberapa persyaratannya.
2 Rantai (di sebelah kiri) Ikatan kekeluargaan, persatuan dan persahabatan yang kokoh. Bahwa anggota sebuah Koperasi adalah Pemilik Koperasi tersebut, maka semua Anggota menjadi bersahabat, bersatu dalam kekeluargaan, dan yang mengikat sesama anggota adalah hukum yang dirancang sebagai Anggaran Dasar (AD) / Anggaran Rumah Tangga (ART) Koperasi. Dengan bersama-sama bersepakat mentaati AD/ART, maka Padi dan Kapas akan mudah diperoleh.
3 Kapas dan Padi (di sebelah kanan) Kemakmuran anggota koperasi secara khusus dan rakyat secara umum yang diusahakan oleh koperasi. Kapas sebagai bahan dasar sandang (pakaian), dan Padi sebagai bahan dasar pangan (makanan). Mayoritas sudah disebut makmur-sejahtera jika cukup sandang dan pangan.
4 Timbangan Keadilan sosial sebagai salah satu dasar koperasi. Biasanya menjadi simbol hukum. Semua Anggota koperasi harus adil dan seimbang antara "Rantai" dan "Padi-Kapas", antara "Kewajiban" dan "Hak". Dan yang menyeimbangkan itu adalah Bintang dalam Perisai.
5 Bintang Dalam perisai yang dimaksud adalah Pancasila, merupakan landasan ideal koperasi. Bahwa Anggota Koperasi yang baik adalah yang mengindahkan nilai-nilai keyakinan dan kepercayaan, yang mendengarkan suara hatinya. Perisai bisa berarti "tubuh", dan Bintang bisa diartikan "Hati".
6 Pohon Beringin Simbol kehidupan, sebagaimana pohon dalam Gunungan wayang yang dirancang oleh Sunan Kalijaga. Dahan pohon disebut kayu (dari bahasa Arab "Hayyu"/kehidupan). Timbangan dan Bintang dalam Perisai menjadi nilai hidup yang harus dijunjung tinggi.
7 Koperasi Indonesia Koperasi yang dimaksud adalah koperasi rakyat Indonesia, bukan Koperasi negara lain. Tata-kelola dan tata-kuasa perkoperasian di luar negeri juga baik, namun sebagai Bangsa Indonesia harus punya tata-nilai sendiri.
8 Warna Merah Putih Warna merah dan putih yang menjadi background logo menggambarkan sifat nasional Indonesia.
Source :
Edited :
Made Wisnu Wijaya
Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011
About David Villa Sanchez
Name: David Villa Sanchez
Position: Forward
Place of birth: Tuilla, Langreo
Date of birth: 03-12-1981
Height: 175cm
Weight: 69kg
Debut: FC Barcelona-Sevilla FC (4-0, Spanish Super Cup), 21/08/2010
David Villa, 28, moved to FC Barcelona on 21st May 2010, just five days after the team won the second consecutive league title of the Guardiola era.
David Villa Sanchez made his first division debut with Zaragoza but really made his name with Valencia. However, his roots are in the mining region of Asturias in northern Spain where his father was a miner. He joined the youth teams of local club Sporting Gijon and soon made his way up the ranks to the first team.
He’s the 11th Asturias –born player to defend the Barca colours – previous famous compatriots in recent years being Quini, in the 80’s and former Barca captain Luis Enrique. Both of them recommended Barca to Villa.
David Villa’s career has been characterized by his unerring ability to score plenty of goals. In his seven seasons in the first division before joining Barca he never scored less than 15 a season.
He joins Barca in his prime – he’s 28 – and is a proven striker. He spent two years with Zaragoza (2003-05) and five with Valencia (2005-10), scoring 140 goals in 239 matches.
Despite his individual talent, he has collected relatively little silverware – two Cup medals and a Spanish Super Cup. So he joins Barca with plenty of hunger for honours.
His honours were dramatically extended after just one year at Barça. In 2010/11, playing on the left side of attack under Josep Guardiola, Villa won the Spanish Supercup, the league and the Champions League. He ended the season with a cracking goal in the Wembley final against Manchester United.
Villa is also a key part of the international team and, after the South African World Cup, has scored more World Cup goals than any other Spanish players. He played a huge role in Spain’s victory. His five goals made him Spain’s top scorer and – together with Müller (Germany), Snejder (Holland) and Forlán (Uruguay) – also the tournament’s top scorer.
He’s not especially big for a striker (1.75 m and 69 kg). His main virtue is his ability to shoot with both feet. As a child, he had a medical problem with his right leg so he focussed on his left, eventually becoming two-footed. In addition he’s an excellent header of the ball – an authentic goal machine.
Apart from his shooting ability, ‘El Guaje’ (The Lad) as he is affectionately known, is amazingly fast and mobile – a player who looks for the pass into space. Unpredictable. Off the ball, he works hard for the team and applies constant pressure to the opposing defence. He’s a charismatic player, a winner, who can turn a game at any moment.
2010-11 FC Barcelona
2009-10 Valencia CF
2008-09 Valencia CF
2007-08 Valencia CF
2006-07 Valencia CF
2005-06 Valencia CF
2004-05 Real Zaragoza
2003-04 Real Zaragoza
2002-03 Sporting Gijón
2001-02 Sporting Gijón
2000-01 Sporting Gijón
Position: Forward
Place of birth: Tuilla, Langreo
Date of birth: 03-12-1981
Height: 175cm
Weight: 69kg
Debut: FC Barcelona-Sevilla FC (4-0, Spanish Super Cup), 21/08/2010
David Villa, 28, moved to FC Barcelona on 21st May 2010, just five days after the team won the second consecutive league title of the Guardiola era.
David Villa Sanchez made his first division debut with Zaragoza but really made his name with Valencia. However, his roots are in the mining region of Asturias in northern Spain where his father was a miner. He joined the youth teams of local club Sporting Gijon and soon made his way up the ranks to the first team.
He’s the 11th Asturias –born player to defend the Barca colours – previous famous compatriots in recent years being Quini, in the 80’s and former Barca captain Luis Enrique. Both of them recommended Barca to Villa.
David Villa’s career has been characterized by his unerring ability to score plenty of goals. In his seven seasons in the first division before joining Barca he never scored less than 15 a season.
He joins Barca in his prime – he’s 28 – and is a proven striker. He spent two years with Zaragoza (2003-05) and five with Valencia (2005-10), scoring 140 goals in 239 matches.
Despite his individual talent, he has collected relatively little silverware – two Cup medals and a Spanish Super Cup. So he joins Barca with plenty of hunger for honours.
His honours were dramatically extended after just one year at Barça. In 2010/11, playing on the left side of attack under Josep Guardiola, Villa won the Spanish Supercup, the league and the Champions League. He ended the season with a cracking goal in the Wembley final against Manchester United.
Villa is also a key part of the international team and, after the South African World Cup, has scored more World Cup goals than any other Spanish players. He played a huge role in Spain’s victory. His five goals made him Spain’s top scorer and – together with Müller (Germany), Snejder (Holland) and Forlán (Uruguay) – also the tournament’s top scorer.
He’s not especially big for a striker (1.75 m and 69 kg). His main virtue is his ability to shoot with both feet. As a child, he had a medical problem with his right leg so he focussed on his left, eventually becoming two-footed. In addition he’s an excellent header of the ball – an authentic goal machine.
Apart from his shooting ability, ‘El Guaje’ (The Lad) as he is affectionately known, is amazingly fast and mobile – a player who looks for the pass into space. Unpredictable. Off the ball, he works hard for the team and applies constant pressure to the opposing defence. He’s a charismatic player, a winner, who can turn a game at any moment.
2010-11 FC Barcelona
2009-10 Valencia CF
2008-09 Valencia CF
2007-08 Valencia CF
2006-07 Valencia CF
2005-06 Valencia CF
2004-05 Real Zaragoza
2003-04 Real Zaragoza
2002-03 Sporting Gijón
2001-02 Sporting Gijón
2000-01 Sporting Gijón
Kamis, 12 Mei 2011
Softskill Tugas 2
1. We had our treasury Bought our new books yesterday. (buy / buys / bought / to buy)
2. She has her mom cooked dinner for her. (cook / cooks / cooked / to cook )
3. He had his brother done his homework last night (do / does / did / done)
4. Tom is having Bill written the report at the moment. (write / writes / writing / written)
5. Mike has Jenni saved his data. (save / saving / saves / saved)
6. Bob has his packages delivered by the postman. ( deliver / delivers / delivered / delivery)
7. Eddy had_his data changed by his secretary last week. (change / changes / changed / changing)
8. Marie is having her house painted by the workmen at the moment. ( paint / painting / painted / paints)
9. Jonny has his car parked by the parking man. (park / parks / parking / parked)
10. They are having their maid cleaned their room right now. (clean / cleaned / cleans / cleaning)
2. She has her mom cooked dinner for her. (cook / cooks / cooked / to cook )
3. He had his brother done his homework last night (do / does / did / done)
4. Tom is having Bill written the report at the moment. (write / writes / writing / written)
5. Mike has Jenni saved his data. (save / saving / saves / saved)
6. Bob has his packages delivered by the postman. ( deliver / delivers / delivered / delivery)
7. Eddy had_his data changed by his secretary last week. (change / changes / changed / changing)
8. Marie is having her house painted by the workmen at the moment. ( paint / painting / painted / paints)
9. Jonny has his car parked by the parking man. (park / parks / parking / parked)
10. They are having their maid cleaned their room right now. (clean / cleaned / cleans / cleaning)
Senin, 09 Mei 2011
Love..Love..and Love
Love it is a life ..
There is a pulse, breathing, thinking, hearing, seeing, and feel ..
Love is the feeling and logic are united ..
There is patience, sincerity, trust,
Never count the mistakes and forgive pobud ..
And the amount of love, you'll know when will lose ..
Like a cup of wine ..
That every tetesannya can revive all the dead ..
That every tenggukannya able satiate your stomach, and was never hungry again ..
That each fragrance can change all that bad for the better ..
There is a separate lesson ..
When I have to lose ..
That is called sincerity ..
Difficult as difficult as grasping a star in the sky ..
Sincerity not just let go of something ..
Rather full of sacrifice, and sincere ..
Dream flung to the ground, and dream again ..
I have to do it for the best ..
But the best thing that does not mean something that is perfect ..
But the best thing that does not mean that such sesuati our dreams ..
The best thing is the answer from God's holy ..
Is a point and a destiny ..
Again I found myself ..
After all that has happened ..
There is a pulse, breathing, thinking, hearing, seeing, and feel ..
Love is the feeling and logic are united ..
There is patience, sincerity, trust,
Never count the mistakes and forgive pobud ..
And the amount of love, you'll know when will lose ..
Like a cup of wine ..
That every tetesannya can revive all the dead ..
That every tenggukannya able satiate your stomach, and was never hungry again ..
That each fragrance can change all that bad for the better ..
There is a separate lesson ..
When I have to lose ..
That is called sincerity ..
Difficult as difficult as grasping a star in the sky ..
Sincerity not just let go of something ..
Rather full of sacrifice, and sincere ..
Dream flung to the ground, and dream again ..
I have to do it for the best ..
But the best thing that does not mean something that is perfect ..
But the best thing that does not mean that such sesuati our dreams ..
The best thing is the answer from God's holy ..
Is a point and a destiny ..
Again I found myself ..
After all that has happened ..
Cyber Crime
Cyber crime is a term that refers to the activities of crime with a computer or computer network becomes a tool, target or scene of the crime. Included in cybercrimes include online auction fraud, check forgery, credit card fraud / carding, confidence fraud, identity fraud, child pornography, etc..
Although cyber crime or cybercrime generally refers to criminal activity with a computer or computer network as its main element, the term is also used for traditional criminal activity where computers or computer networks are used to facilitate or enable the crime occurred.
Examples of cyber crime where the computer as a tool is spamming and crimes against copyright and intellectual property. Examples of cyber crime where the computer as the target is illegal access (to fool access control), malware and DoS attacks. Examples of cyber crime as a place where the computer is identity fraud. While examples of traditional crimes with a computer as a tool is child pornography and online gambling.
Information and communication technology combined with the Internet has opened up the possibility of the emergence of activity in all fields and categories. Nevertheless, it has not been matched by the readiness of the legal world and a tool perlengakapannya. Cyber crime is not a simple crime, because the proof is difficult and often faced with the absence of clear rules and firm. Not seldom the culprit managed to commit fraud to hundreds of thousands of dollars and other losses on a computer data network system, was only sentenced to one or two years in prison.
Someone who commit crimes of this type often do not have a motive to profit economically. Other elements such as challenges, personal enjoyment (joycomputing), even proving the technical skill involved in it often. In the Introduction to Data Security and Control, Edward R. Buck gives certain characteristics of people who have a strong tendency to make cyber crime, namely:
- enjoys a challenge;
- age between 18 to 46 years;
- energetic;
- friendly; and
- intelligent.
Cyber crime community in a global community of Internet users is a matter that can be consciously or unconsciously, intentionally or unintentionally made. This happens because the technological development of information and level of intellect / intelligence community is increasing. Factor of the Internet itself also creates virtual rumors on Internet users to keep and keep searching and trying.
Misuse of computers both as subject, object, tool or as a symbol would have become a scourge of its own for traffic safety relationship between users of Internet services. Among the various forms of cyber crime of the most troubling is the manipulation of the computer community as part of computer-related economic crimes, and to copy and sell copies of unauthorized computer software.
In the end that is needed is increased cyber security factors that can come from service providers and information, and above all must come from the readiness of law and enforcement.
Although cyber crime or cybercrime generally refers to criminal activity with a computer or computer network as its main element, the term is also used for traditional criminal activity where computers or computer networks are used to facilitate or enable the crime occurred.
Examples of cyber crime where the computer as a tool is spamming and crimes against copyright and intellectual property. Examples of cyber crime where the computer as the target is illegal access (to fool access control), malware and DoS attacks. Examples of cyber crime as a place where the computer is identity fraud. While examples of traditional crimes with a computer as a tool is child pornography and online gambling.
Information and communication technology combined with the Internet has opened up the possibility of the emergence of activity in all fields and categories. Nevertheless, it has not been matched by the readiness of the legal world and a tool perlengakapannya. Cyber crime is not a simple crime, because the proof is difficult and often faced with the absence of clear rules and firm. Not seldom the culprit managed to commit fraud to hundreds of thousands of dollars and other losses on a computer data network system, was only sentenced to one or two years in prison.
Someone who commit crimes of this type often do not have a motive to profit economically. Other elements such as challenges, personal enjoyment (joycomputing), even proving the technical skill involved in it often. In the Introduction to Data Security and Control, Edward R. Buck gives certain characteristics of people who have a strong tendency to make cyber crime, namely:
- enjoys a challenge;
- age between 18 to 46 years;
- energetic;
- friendly; and
- intelligent.
Cyber crime community in a global community of Internet users is a matter that can be consciously or unconsciously, intentionally or unintentionally made. This happens because the technological development of information and level of intellect / intelligence community is increasing. Factor of the Internet itself also creates virtual rumors on Internet users to keep and keep searching and trying.
Misuse of computers both as subject, object, tool or as a symbol would have become a scourge of its own for traffic safety relationship between users of Internet services. Among the various forms of cyber crime of the most troubling is the manipulation of the computer community as part of computer-related economic crimes, and to copy and sell copies of unauthorized computer software.
In the end that is needed is increased cyber security factors that can come from service providers and information, and above all must come from the readiness of law and enforcement.
Selasa, 03 Mei 2011
Earth Hour!
What is Earth Hour? At precisely 8:30pm Jakarta time on Saturday March 26th, thousands of people around Indonesia were participating in the worldwide event, known as Earth Hour. Earth Hour is a time of awareness on how to conserve energy and a small step towards saving our planet. Although many people participate in Earth Hour, it is only the beginning of the long journey that lies ahead. Now the earth is facing serious problems such as: Global Warming, Pollution, Deforestation and many more issues that threaten to destroy our planet.
Earth Hour is very logical and intelligent. Many of people seem to know about Earth Hour, and how it’s started to help our community. It has resulted in a noticeable drop in power consumption. Half an hour after the event had started, the black out campaign saved approximately 600 megawatt, recorded by the state-owned electricity company, PLN. (Last year, they saved up to 120 megawatt for 30 minutes). The amount of energy saved this year happened due to the contribution from the Jakarta government, who has hosted Earth Hour 3 times in a row, and hopefully more to come. Many buildings of Central Jakarta joined the global Earth Hour, switching their lights off.
During Earth Hour: Although, 5 times more energy was saved this year, only 30% of the people I surveyed participated in the global campaign. Another 30% of the people in my community, seemed to know or have heard about Earth Hour, but didn’t seem to realize that the date was set on the last Saturday of March. Many people said, “We heard about it, but no one really seemed to bring the matter up, so we didn’t know when or how long it would be.”
Here’s a girl and her family who had the most exciting time, celebrating this black-out campaign: Jade, 13, from Jakarta International School decided to just have a nice and quiet memorable Earth Hour, with her family. “We just turned off all the lights at first, but then went a bit extreme and decided to cut all of the electricity! During the first hour we just chilled, and had some snacks; but as soon as 9:30pm came around, we challenged ourselves with another half -hour! We played a game of monopoly in the dark, lit by only a few candle lights.” Jade says with a smile on her face. “We just laughed and thought how cool it would be to see the city before and during earth hour. We thought it was fun and that we should have them more often!”
What the government has done: Up until today, many campaigns and outdoor activities have been created for environmental awareness. The government has been a huge help (but we still need more) so the only thing standing in the way of us making planet earth a better place; is us. The city of Jakarta is not the best looking city in the world. There are shanty houses, ruined sidewalks, pollution, barely any green and, too many vehicles.
According to the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation, Indonesia has about 50.1 million registered cars scattered throughout the major islands. The number of registered vehicles in Jakarta is nearing 9.5 million, including about 2 million cars and 6.6 million motorcycles. Each day, around 1,000 new motorcycles and 300 hundred new cars are registered in Jakarta alone.
The Jakarta government have taken a few steps by doing green campaign activities for example: there is a car free day in Jalan Thamrin, and Jalan Sudirman every last Sunday of the month. There seems to be some people that are interested to try and promote bike to work movement. But is that enough?
On that note, we must agree. As much as the energy we saved this year, we have to remember, it won’t heal the world. So remember, every small thing we start to do, it’ll make a difference.
By: Chesney Collyer
Editing : Made Wisnu Wijaya
Earth Hour is very logical and intelligent. Many of people seem to know about Earth Hour, and how it’s started to help our community. It has resulted in a noticeable drop in power consumption. Half an hour after the event had started, the black out campaign saved approximately 600 megawatt, recorded by the state-owned electricity company, PLN. (Last year, they saved up to 120 megawatt for 30 minutes). The amount of energy saved this year happened due to the contribution from the Jakarta government, who has hosted Earth Hour 3 times in a row, and hopefully more to come. Many buildings of Central Jakarta joined the global Earth Hour, switching their lights off.
During Earth Hour: Although, 5 times more energy was saved this year, only 30% of the people I surveyed participated in the global campaign. Another 30% of the people in my community, seemed to know or have heard about Earth Hour, but didn’t seem to realize that the date was set on the last Saturday of March. Many people said, “We heard about it, but no one really seemed to bring the matter up, so we didn’t know when or how long it would be.”
Here’s a girl and her family who had the most exciting time, celebrating this black-out campaign: Jade, 13, from Jakarta International School decided to just have a nice and quiet memorable Earth Hour, with her family. “We just turned off all the lights at first, but then went a bit extreme and decided to cut all of the electricity! During the first hour we just chilled, and had some snacks; but as soon as 9:30pm came around, we challenged ourselves with another half -hour! We played a game of monopoly in the dark, lit by only a few candle lights.” Jade says with a smile on her face. “We just laughed and thought how cool it would be to see the city before and during earth hour. We thought it was fun and that we should have them more often!”
What the government has done: Up until today, many campaigns and outdoor activities have been created for environmental awareness. The government has been a huge help (but we still need more) so the only thing standing in the way of us making planet earth a better place; is us. The city of Jakarta is not the best looking city in the world. There are shanty houses, ruined sidewalks, pollution, barely any green and, too many vehicles.
According to the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation, Indonesia has about 50.1 million registered cars scattered throughout the major islands. The number of registered vehicles in Jakarta is nearing 9.5 million, including about 2 million cars and 6.6 million motorcycles. Each day, around 1,000 new motorcycles and 300 hundred new cars are registered in Jakarta alone.
The Jakarta government have taken a few steps by doing green campaign activities for example: there is a car free day in Jalan Thamrin, and Jalan Sudirman every last Sunday of the month. There seems to be some people that are interested to try and promote bike to work movement. But is that enough?
On that note, we must agree. As much as the energy we saved this year, we have to remember, it won’t heal the world. So remember, every small thing we start to do, it’ll make a difference.
By: Chesney Collyer
Editing : Made Wisnu Wijaya
Selasa, 26 April 2011
My Family
My name made wisnu wijaya. My friends used to call me with a call made. I was born in Denpasar, the couple husband and wife that is i wayan Suarta and ni wayan martini.
My second child of four brothers, my sister who first named putu Venny febyantari he was aged 21 years and six college semester.
My younger brother who first named nyoman arie Septian, he had aged 16 years and are still in high school class, she went to Bali and stay with my uncle.
And the younger brother of the two I named Ketut aditya ultimate, she was only 6 years old and still in school in kindergarten.
Our whole family came original from Bali, to temporarily stay in Jakarta because my father worked here. But the whole big family of our stay in Bali such as, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, and my niece. Someday I want to stay in Bali with his relatives and family.
My second child of four brothers, my sister who first named putu Venny febyantari he was aged 21 years and six college semester.
My younger brother who first named nyoman arie Septian, he had aged 16 years and are still in high school class, she went to Bali and stay with my uncle.
And the younger brother of the two I named Ketut aditya ultimate, she was only 6 years old and still in school in kindergarten.
Our whole family came original from Bali, to temporarily stay in Jakarta because my father worked here. But the whole big family of our stay in Bali such as, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, and my niece. Someday I want to stay in Bali with his relatives and family.
Rabu, 06 April 2011
Beginning Surfing Sports
Duke Paoa Kahanamoku Kahinu Mokoe Hulikohola was born in an old Hawaiian family and is one of the last full-blooded Hawaiian. His grandfather was a Hawaiian high chief. As the eldest of six sons, he was named Duke after his father, who had been born during a visit by the Duke of Edinburgh and has been named in his honor. Kahanamoku was raised in the Royal Palace, although his father was a policeman.
Kahanamoku's father and uncle taught him how to swim when he was a kid with a traditional Hawaiian way - by throwing him to the side of an outrigger canoe into the surf. He learned quickly and scared in the water. Growing up, Kahanamoku spent all his spare time at the beach. As noted in the Great Athlete, "he could swim as easily as walking." In a teenager, he dropped out of high school for swimming, surfing, boat, surfboard shapes, and living on the beach. He and his friends were among the first called "sons of the beach." A man, tall and slender, Kahanamoku was a leader among his friends. He never drank or smoked, rarely fought, and trained consistently. Especially interested in surfing, she's largest councils from anyone. board his 16-foot weighed 114 pounds and patterned after an ancient Hawaiian designs. Around 1910, he persuaded others to try to use a surfboard again: they are about eight or nine feet, while he is now a ten feet shorter. To encourage long board surf smoothly through the necessary power. A scissors kick followed by a flutter kick gave her strength. His "Kahanamoku kick" will then be adopted by the freestyle swimmer after he began to destroy the world record swim.
After the Olympics, Kahanamoku cast about for something to be done. He read a water meter, working in the office preparing, and conducting surveys. None of this work was measured until stature as an Olympic gold medalist. He began to receive invitations to exhibitions and swim meets throughout the United States and Europe, and finally New Zealand and Australia. Wherever he goes, he will show surfing and swimming. Thus, he became an unofficial ambassador for Hawaii and for surfing. According to the King of the Surf, Kahanamoku was the first to showcase the tandem surfing and the first to show the wake surfing. "long surf boards which are recorded on the news.
In 1915, the board Kahanamoku introduced surfing to Australia. He has brought the board was not with him from Hawaii, so he built one there from sugar pine. Design concave on this board give it greater stability in rough surf. On January 15, he rode the board for three hours at Freshwater beach, pointing out the various tricks. Before the demonstration, the coast guard had tried to convince him not to surf in shark-filled waters. After that they asked if he had seen any sharks. As related in Surfers legendary, Duke said, "Yes, I saw a lot." When asked whether the shark had been disturbed, the answer is "No, and I did not bother them." He showed Australia how to build a board before he left.
Some rides take a legendary Kahanamoku surfing. Perhaps the most famous occurred in 1917, on the monster waves generated by after an earthquake in Japan. Seeing the wave caused many people to run for cover. Kahanamoku encourage surfboard to catch a wave, despite the obvious dangers. According to Legendary Surfers, he later related: "Sliding left along the watery monster's face, I do not know I was in the beginning of a journey that would become a celebrated and memoried All I know is that I have come to cope. with a wave, the highest bulkiest , the fastest I've ever seen. "Although the legend has been extended up to a mile more, he rode a wave of more than a mile to cut down some beaches.
In 1925, Kahanamoku shows another use for a surfboard - as a lifesaving device. He and the party of actors and actresses who camped on a beach when the cruise ship upside down from Newport Beach, California. Reaching a surfboard that, Kahanamoku release into the wild waves. Of the 12 passengers rescued from a cruise ship, he was able to rescue eight. Kahanamoku role in the development and manufacture of surfboards giant hole in the 1920s and 1930s, and adapted them to work saving lives. His book, World of Surfing, written with Joe Brennan, was published in 1968.
Source :
Editing : Made Wisnu Wijaya
Kahanamoku's father and uncle taught him how to swim when he was a kid with a traditional Hawaiian way - by throwing him to the side of an outrigger canoe into the surf. He learned quickly and scared in the water. Growing up, Kahanamoku spent all his spare time at the beach. As noted in the Great Athlete, "he could swim as easily as walking." In a teenager, he dropped out of high school for swimming, surfing, boat, surfboard shapes, and living on the beach. He and his friends were among the first called "sons of the beach." A man, tall and slender, Kahanamoku was a leader among his friends. He never drank or smoked, rarely fought, and trained consistently. Especially interested in surfing, she's largest councils from anyone. board his 16-foot weighed 114 pounds and patterned after an ancient Hawaiian designs. Around 1910, he persuaded others to try to use a surfboard again: they are about eight or nine feet, while he is now a ten feet shorter. To encourage long board surf smoothly through the necessary power. A scissors kick followed by a flutter kick gave her strength. His "Kahanamoku kick" will then be adopted by the freestyle swimmer after he began to destroy the world record swim.
After the Olympics, Kahanamoku cast about for something to be done. He read a water meter, working in the office preparing, and conducting surveys. None of this work was measured until stature as an Olympic gold medalist. He began to receive invitations to exhibitions and swim meets throughout the United States and Europe, and finally New Zealand and Australia. Wherever he goes, he will show surfing and swimming. Thus, he became an unofficial ambassador for Hawaii and for surfing. According to the King of the Surf, Kahanamoku was the first to showcase the tandem surfing and the first to show the wake surfing. "long surf boards which are recorded on the news.
In 1915, the board Kahanamoku introduced surfing to Australia. He has brought the board was not with him from Hawaii, so he built one there from sugar pine. Design concave on this board give it greater stability in rough surf. On January 15, he rode the board for three hours at Freshwater beach, pointing out the various tricks. Before the demonstration, the coast guard had tried to convince him not to surf in shark-filled waters. After that they asked if he had seen any sharks. As related in Surfers legendary, Duke said, "Yes, I saw a lot." When asked whether the shark had been disturbed, the answer is "No, and I did not bother them." He showed Australia how to build a board before he left.
Some rides take a legendary Kahanamoku surfing. Perhaps the most famous occurred in 1917, on the monster waves generated by after an earthquake in Japan. Seeing the wave caused many people to run for cover. Kahanamoku encourage surfboard to catch a wave, despite the obvious dangers. According to Legendary Surfers, he later related: "Sliding left along the watery monster's face, I do not know I was in the beginning of a journey that would become a celebrated and memoried All I know is that I have come to cope. with a wave, the highest bulkiest , the fastest I've ever seen. "Although the legend has been extended up to a mile more, he rode a wave of more than a mile to cut down some beaches.
In 1925, Kahanamoku shows another use for a surfboard - as a lifesaving device. He and the party of actors and actresses who camped on a beach when the cruise ship upside down from Newport Beach, California. Reaching a surfboard that, Kahanamoku release into the wild waves. Of the 12 passengers rescued from a cruise ship, he was able to rescue eight. Kahanamoku role in the development and manufacture of surfboards giant hole in the 1920s and 1930s, and adapted them to work saving lives. His book, World of Surfing, written with Joe Brennan, was published in 1968.
Source :
Editing : Made Wisnu Wijaya
Softskill Tugas
Questions :
1. Bob said to me,"Mary is crying on my shoulder at the moment."
2. Tom said to me," I don't want to eat this food."
3. Mary said to me,' I called my friend yesterday."
4. Bill said to me," The children are planning to go to that new museum now."
5. Tom said to me," I haven't called Mary since yesterday.'
6. Joe said to me that he had been sitting there next to my house since two
hours before.
7. John said to Mary that he had written all of their stories in his new book.
8. Jane said to me that she created her new painting in my room.
9. Tom said to me that he spent his time in this room.
10.Bob said to me that Anne didn't put the dictionary on that table.
Answered :
1. Bob said to me that Marry was crying on his shoulder at the moment.
2. Tom said to me that he did not want to eat that food.
3. Mary said to me that she had called her friend the before day.
4. Bill said to me that the children were planning to go to this museum then.
5. Tom said to me that he had not called Mary since the before day.
6. Joe said to me, “i have been sitting here next to your house since two hours before’’.
7. John said to me, “I written all of their stories in my new book’’.
8. Jane said to me, “I create my new painting in your room’’.
9. Tom said to me, “I spend my time in that room’’.
10. Bob said to me, “Anne do not put the dictionary on this table’’.
1. Bob said to me,"Mary is crying on my shoulder at the moment."
2. Tom said to me," I don't want to eat this food."
3. Mary said to me,' I called my friend yesterday."
4. Bill said to me," The children are planning to go to that new museum now."
5. Tom said to me," I haven't called Mary since yesterday.'
6. Joe said to me that he had been sitting there next to my house since two
hours before.
7. John said to Mary that he had written all of their stories in his new book.
8. Jane said to me that she created her new painting in my room.
9. Tom said to me that he spent his time in this room.
10.Bob said to me that Anne didn't put the dictionary on that table.
Answered :
1. Bob said to me that Marry was crying on his shoulder at the moment.
2. Tom said to me that he did not want to eat that food.
3. Mary said to me that she had called her friend the before day.
4. Bill said to me that the children were planning to go to this museum then.
5. Tom said to me that he had not called Mary since the before day.
6. Joe said to me, “i have been sitting here next to your house since two hours before’’.
7. John said to me, “I written all of their stories in my new book’’.
8. Jane said to me, “I create my new painting in your room’’.
9. Tom said to me, “I spend my time in that room’’.
10. Bob said to me, “Anne do not put the dictionary on this table’’.
Selasa, 29 Maret 2011
Skateboard History
Skateboarding was first discovered in mid 1950, along with the development in the area of California surf era, the United States. First appeared, skateboarding is still created by human hands and made of wood combine with tire roller skates and connected by trucks from the roller skates is also very thick and heavy. At that time people were also not familiar with the name 'skateboard', but 'Sidewalk surfing'. Period-era begins when Marty McFly used it in a movie called "Back To The Future", Marty here to use the media skateboard as transportation equipment.
Then, in the 1970s, Frank Nasworthty make tires skateboard with polyurethane material or used to be called Cadillac. He's hoping for a fat person can buy a skate board and wear it. With the launch of the new tires ditahun the 1970s, making the popularity of skateboarding is growing rapidly again.
Many companies started to manufacture trucks (wheel axle) with a special design for the skater. Manufacturers began experimenting with exotic ingredients combine with metal, such as fiberglass and aluminum.
The skateboarders receive benefits from their boards repaired and they began creating new tricks. Some Skater, especially Ty Page, Bruce Logan, Bobby Piercy, Kevin Reed, and Z-Boys (named so because their local store called zephy shop), they started sliding on the vertical walls of empty swimming pool that is left in the 1976 California drought.
The origin of the trend in the world Vert skateboarding. Frank Nasworthy make tires skateboard with polyurethane material or used to be called Cadillac with the aim that fat people can buy and wear a skate board.
In the 1980s, during this period triggered by a skateboard company run by skateboarders. The focus initially is on track to hit Vert skateboarding. The discovery of no-hands aerial (Ollie) by Alan Gelfand in Florida in 1976 and was grabbed aerial by George Orton and Tony Alva in California, making this trick is the skater to appear at the vertical ramp.
Since most people can not build a Vert ramp or do not have access to the ramp, playing in the streets became popular. Rodney Mullen freestyle street like creating a lot of basic tricks, including modern basic tricks such as kickflip impossible and Effect of freestyle street skating is still a trend during the mid-80s, but street skating was still performed in a wide Vert board with a short nose. skateboard in this year will grow rapidly but are constrained by accommodation of street skating.
1990s until now generated now dominated by street skating skateboarding. with wide board 7 ¼ to 8 inches long and 30 to 32 inches. Wheel size is relatively small for the board appear brighter, and for the wheels spin faster, thus making tricks more easily obtained.
Contemporary form obtained from the freestyle boards skateboard 1980s with the shape and relatively narrow width is very symmetrical. This shape has become a standard mid-90s.
(From various sources).
Then, in the 1970s, Frank Nasworthty make tires skateboard with polyurethane material or used to be called Cadillac. He's hoping for a fat person can buy a skate board and wear it. With the launch of the new tires ditahun the 1970s, making the popularity of skateboarding is growing rapidly again.
Many companies started to manufacture trucks (wheel axle) with a special design for the skater. Manufacturers began experimenting with exotic ingredients combine with metal, such as fiberglass and aluminum.
The skateboarders receive benefits from their boards repaired and they began creating new tricks. Some Skater, especially Ty Page, Bruce Logan, Bobby Piercy, Kevin Reed, and Z-Boys (named so because their local store called zephy shop), they started sliding on the vertical walls of empty swimming pool that is left in the 1976 California drought.
The origin of the trend in the world Vert skateboarding. Frank Nasworthy make tires skateboard with polyurethane material or used to be called Cadillac with the aim that fat people can buy and wear a skate board.
In the 1980s, during this period triggered by a skateboard company run by skateboarders. The focus initially is on track to hit Vert skateboarding. The discovery of no-hands aerial (Ollie) by Alan Gelfand in Florida in 1976 and was grabbed aerial by George Orton and Tony Alva in California, making this trick is the skater to appear at the vertical ramp.
Since most people can not build a Vert ramp or do not have access to the ramp, playing in the streets became popular. Rodney Mullen freestyle street like creating a lot of basic tricks, including modern basic tricks such as kickflip impossible and Effect of freestyle street skating is still a trend during the mid-80s, but street skating was still performed in a wide Vert board with a short nose. skateboard in this year will grow rapidly but are constrained by accommodation of street skating.
1990s until now generated now dominated by street skating skateboarding. with wide board 7 ¼ to 8 inches long and 30 to 32 inches. Wheel size is relatively small for the board appear brighter, and for the wheels spin faster, thus making tricks more easily obtained.
Contemporary form obtained from the freestyle boards skateboard 1980s with the shape and relatively narrow width is very symmetrical. This shape has become a standard mid-90s.
(From various sources).
Jumat, 18 Maret 2011
Adverbtial Clause
1. Clause of Cause and Effect
Clause which shows the relationship of cause and effect. There are several patterns to form this kind Clause. Take a good look.
Examples :
• Ryan ran so fast that he broke the previous speed record.
• It was so cold yesterday that I didn't want to swim.
• The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask for more.
• The student had behaved so badly that he was dismissed from the class.
• She has such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her.
• They are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want one.
• Perry has had such bad luck that he's decided not to gamble.
• This is such difficult homework that I will never finish it.
a. In addition, to reveal the relationship of cause and effect (cause and effect) can be used in other patterns, namely:
a. Using the Preposition (preposition) like Because of, due to, due to the fact that, etc.
• We stayed home because of the cold weather.
• We stayed home due to the cold weather.
• We stayed home due to the fact that the weather was cold.
b. Using conjunctions (conjunction) as Because, since, now, that, as, as long as, inasmuch as
Example :
• Because he was sleepy, he went to bed.
• Since he's not interested in classical music, he decided not to go to the concert.
• As she had nothing in particular to do, she called up a friend and asked her if she wanted to take in a movie.
• Inasmuch as the two government leaders could not reach an agreement, the possibilities for peace are still remote.
c. Using transition words like therefore, consequently.
• Alex failed the test because he didn't study.
• Alex didn't study. Therefore, he failed the test.
• Alex didn't study. Consequently, he failed the test.
2. Clause of Condition
Clause which shows the requirements between the two events (events) are related. Usually made by using conjunctions like if, even if, unless, in the event that, or in the event that, in case, provided (that), Providing (that), on condition that, if only, suppose (that), supposing (that), etc. Example :
• If I see him, I will invite him to the party tomorrow.
• She would forgive her husband everything, if only he would come back to her.
• Suppose (that) your house burns down, do you have enough insurance to cover such a loss.
• In case a robbery occurs in the hotel, the management must be notified at once.
• The company will agree to arbitration on condition (that) the strike is called off at once.
• We should be able to do the job for you quickly, provided (that) you give us all the necessary information.
3. Clause of Manner
Clause which shows the cars how a job is done or event occurs. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) such as, how, like, in that, etc..
Example :
• He did as I told him.
• You may finish it how you like.
• They may beat us again, like they did in 1978.
4. Clause of Purpose and Result
Clause which shows the relationship intent / objectives and outcomes. Usually made by using conjunctions such as (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case, etc.
Example :
• They went to the movie early (in order) to find the best seats.
• She bought a book so that she could learn English
• He is saving his money so that he may take a long vacation.
• I am working night and day in the hope that I can finish this book soon.
5. Clause of Time
Clause which shows the time. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) as after, before, no sooner, while, axles, etc.
Example :
• Shut the door before you go out.
• You may begin when (ever) you are ready.
• While he was walking home, he saw an accident.
• By the time I arrive, Alex will have left.
• No sooner had she entered than he gave an order.
Source :
Kamus Oxford Leaner’s Pocket Dictionary
Clause which shows the relationship of cause and effect. There are several patterns to form this kind Clause. Take a good look.
Examples :
• Ryan ran so fast that he broke the previous speed record.
• It was so cold yesterday that I didn't want to swim.
• The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask for more.
• The student had behaved so badly that he was dismissed from the class.
• She has such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her.
• They are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want one.
• Perry has had such bad luck that he's decided not to gamble.
• This is such difficult homework that I will never finish it.
a. In addition, to reveal the relationship of cause and effect (cause and effect) can be used in other patterns, namely:
a. Using the Preposition (preposition) like Because of, due to, due to the fact that, etc.
• We stayed home because of the cold weather.
• We stayed home due to the cold weather.
• We stayed home due to the fact that the weather was cold.
b. Using conjunctions (conjunction) as Because, since, now, that, as, as long as, inasmuch as
Example :
• Because he was sleepy, he went to bed.
• Since he's not interested in classical music, he decided not to go to the concert.
• As she had nothing in particular to do, she called up a friend and asked her if she wanted to take in a movie.
• Inasmuch as the two government leaders could not reach an agreement, the possibilities for peace are still remote.
c. Using transition words like therefore, consequently.
• Alex failed the test because he didn't study.
• Alex didn't study. Therefore, he failed the test.
• Alex didn't study. Consequently, he failed the test.
2. Clause of Condition
Clause which shows the requirements between the two events (events) are related. Usually made by using conjunctions like if, even if, unless, in the event that, or in the event that, in case, provided (that), Providing (that), on condition that, if only, suppose (that), supposing (that), etc. Example :
• If I see him, I will invite him to the party tomorrow.
• She would forgive her husband everything, if only he would come back to her.
• Suppose (that) your house burns down, do you have enough insurance to cover such a loss.
• In case a robbery occurs in the hotel, the management must be notified at once.
• The company will agree to arbitration on condition (that) the strike is called off at once.
• We should be able to do the job for you quickly, provided (that) you give us all the necessary information.
3. Clause of Manner
Clause which shows the cars how a job is done or event occurs. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) such as, how, like, in that, etc..
Example :
• He did as I told him.
• You may finish it how you like.
• They may beat us again, like they did in 1978.
4. Clause of Purpose and Result
Clause which shows the relationship intent / objectives and outcomes. Usually made by using conjunctions such as (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case, etc.
Example :
• They went to the movie early (in order) to find the best seats.
• She bought a book so that she could learn English
• He is saving his money so that he may take a long vacation.
• I am working night and day in the hope that I can finish this book soon.
5. Clause of Time
Clause which shows the time. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) as after, before, no sooner, while, axles, etc.
Example :
• Shut the door before you go out.
• You may begin when (ever) you are ready.
• While he was walking home, he saw an accident.
• By the time I arrive, Alex will have left.
• No sooner had she entered than he gave an order.
Source :
Kamus Oxford Leaner’s Pocket Dictionary
Minggu, 06 Maret 2011
Tradition Omedan-Omed
History omed - omedan itself originated from a story about a king's illness oka Sesetan temple in ancient times, which supposedly does not go away despite treatment. But strangely without treatment, the king was cured after watching the residents do omed-omedan. Since then the tradition is carried out and continue to be preserved as an effort to honor their ancestors as well as for comfort residents after implementation of Nyepi.
A day after the Nyepi, there is a unique tradition that is always held the youth of Banjar Kaja, Sesetan, Denpasar. namely omed mass-omedan or kiss between boys and girls village as a form of happiness in the day Ngembak Geni. Participants omed-omedan is sekaa-teruni cadet or young people ranging from age 17 to 30 years or who have an adult but not yet married.
In Bali-Indonesian Dictionary, omed-omedan means of attraction. "Omed-omedan is a mass kissing traditions that exist only in Br.kaja Sesetan, Bali as one of the ancestral cultural heritage that until now kept at the preserve. " Once upon a time omed-omedan not implemented and appears catastrophe marked by war two pigs in Banjar Kaja. Then the village elders decided to immediately hold a procession omed-omedan to keep the village from a bigger disaster.
Before starting this unique tradition-omedan omed participants who are all young men and women do the praying and the prayer at Banjar temple to invoke the safety and smooth running during the event, led by local stakeholders. Finished praying, then the participants who were divided into 2 groups, male and female. About 50 youths confronted with 50 women from mingling ketengah arena. Once there cue from village elders, both groups see each other and kissing each other leading participants in front of thousands of spectators who crowded around the site omed-omedan present in the traditions of this once a year.
Furthermore, one of two groups of young men and women then paraded take turns hugging and kissing each other. In this tradition the two participants who paraded this should not choose a partner who kissed. Action hugs and kisses will be separated after the participants get a splash of water from the committee.
For the participants, even those who admitted kissing uncomfortable because the place crowded, but this is done because it is one of the ancestral traditions, as well as entertainment after conducting meditation penyepian.
As for his own village elders in addition to some one of respect for ancestors, tradition-omedan omed also as a venue for fostering relationships among fellow citizens of the Banjar.
By : Made Wisnu Wijaya
A day after the Nyepi, there is a unique tradition that is always held the youth of Banjar Kaja, Sesetan, Denpasar. namely omed mass-omedan or kiss between boys and girls village as a form of happiness in the day Ngembak Geni. Participants omed-omedan is sekaa-teruni cadet or young people ranging from age 17 to 30 years or who have an adult but not yet married.
In Bali-Indonesian Dictionary, omed-omedan means of attraction. "Omed-omedan is a mass kissing traditions that exist only in Br.kaja Sesetan, Bali as one of the ancestral cultural heritage that until now kept at the preserve. " Once upon a time omed-omedan not implemented and appears catastrophe marked by war two pigs in Banjar Kaja. Then the village elders decided to immediately hold a procession omed-omedan to keep the village from a bigger disaster.
Before starting this unique tradition-omedan omed participants who are all young men and women do the praying and the prayer at Banjar temple to invoke the safety and smooth running during the event, led by local stakeholders. Finished praying, then the participants who were divided into 2 groups, male and female. About 50 youths confronted with 50 women from mingling ketengah arena. Once there cue from village elders, both groups see each other and kissing each other leading participants in front of thousands of spectators who crowded around the site omed-omedan present in the traditions of this once a year.
Furthermore, one of two groups of young men and women then paraded take turns hugging and kissing each other. In this tradition the two participants who paraded this should not choose a partner who kissed. Action hugs and kisses will be separated after the participants get a splash of water from the committee.
For the participants, even those who admitted kissing uncomfortable because the place crowded, but this is done because it is one of the ancestral traditions, as well as entertainment after conducting meditation penyepian.
As for his own village elders in addition to some one of respect for ancestors, tradition-omedan omed also as a venue for fostering relationships among fellow citizens of the Banjar.
By : Made Wisnu Wijaya
Learning and Learning
In life we always need to learn!
Learning to quiet the talkative.
Learning patience from a sense of anger,
Learning to beat from a selfish,
Learning cry from it all joy,
Learning from the tough loss..
Learning to be grateful though not sufficient,
Learning sincerity of not willing,
Learning to obey despite heavy
Learning to understand though not disagree,
Learning to love despite the hurt,
Learning to calm despite anxiety,
Learning to trust despite worries ..
Learn and keep learning ..
Be grateful for what has passed,
Receive with sincerity what he owned.
By : Made Wisnu Wijaya
Learning to quiet the talkative.
Learning patience from a sense of anger,
Learning to beat from a selfish,
Learning cry from it all joy,
Learning from the tough loss..
Learning to be grateful though not sufficient,
Learning sincerity of not willing,
Learning to obey despite heavy
Learning to understand though not disagree,
Learning to love despite the hurt,
Learning to calm despite anxiety,
Learning to trust despite worries ..
Learn and keep learning ..
Be grateful for what has passed,
Receive with sincerity what he owned.
By : Made Wisnu Wijaya
Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011
Nyepi Day is a big day for Hindus, as mean as the days turn of the year which is certain saka carried out every once a year. Which falls on the day after tileming Kesanga on one sasih kedasa (around mid-March Year of Masehi).
There are four activities which must be implemented on the day of Nyepi, namely:
a. Amati Geni (no fire)
b. Amati Karya (no activity)
c. Observe Lelangunan (not fun)
d. Observe Lelungan (not traveling)
On Nyepi the year 2010, I celebrated Nyepi in Bali with their relatives and friends who were there. Nyepi Nyepi year 2010 is the most fun, because I can follow the progress Nyepi with wisdom.
Three days before Nyepi is Melasti ceremony, me and my friends went kepantai to purify themselves. There we prayed, with the begging for our sins forgiven. Then one day before Nyepi day held staging ogoh-ogoh.
Ogoh-ogoh (giant symbol of evil who want to master the human with the negative nature) is all we have created a month before the day of Nyepi.
With a ceremony called Pengerupukan, which means eliminating the negative nature to become a positive nature for Hindus not molested in carrying Nyepi in the next day.
On the evening before Nyepi, I and friends around the house shouting, raising the population with ogoh-ogoh, which we felt at that time was a very exciting pleasure. The process lasted for about two to three hours. Then when the ceremony pengerupukan finished, we bring ogoh-ogoh spacious place to be burned. Sign that we are all Hindus are ready to implement tomorrow Nyepi.
In the morning, precisely holiday Nyepi in Bali abolished all activity. Television show, to radio broadcasts as well not exist. People do not travel.
That day I just spent time with my friends told me to just around the house.
Not much I can do on the day of Nyepi.
At night the island of Bali as the island of death, because there is seemingly none of the visible light. At that time I was just thinking to myself to not forget to pray.
The important thing is known, that the day of Nyepi is, in a state of quiet or silent we will be successful conduct introspective, unify mind and uniting creativity, taste, and wills. And the next day there Ngembak called Geni, all Hindus perform the show's Greetings.
By : Made Wisnu Wijaya
There are four activities which must be implemented on the day of Nyepi, namely:
a. Amati Geni (no fire)
b. Amati Karya (no activity)
c. Observe Lelangunan (not fun)
d. Observe Lelungan (not traveling)
On Nyepi the year 2010, I celebrated Nyepi in Bali with their relatives and friends who were there. Nyepi Nyepi year 2010 is the most fun, because I can follow the progress Nyepi with wisdom.
Three days before Nyepi is Melasti ceremony, me and my friends went kepantai to purify themselves. There we prayed, with the begging for our sins forgiven. Then one day before Nyepi day held staging ogoh-ogoh.
Ogoh-ogoh (giant symbol of evil who want to master the human with the negative nature) is all we have created a month before the day of Nyepi.
With a ceremony called Pengerupukan, which means eliminating the negative nature to become a positive nature for Hindus not molested in carrying Nyepi in the next day.
On the evening before Nyepi, I and friends around the house shouting, raising the population with ogoh-ogoh, which we felt at that time was a very exciting pleasure. The process lasted for about two to three hours. Then when the ceremony pengerupukan finished, we bring ogoh-ogoh spacious place to be burned. Sign that we are all Hindus are ready to implement tomorrow Nyepi.
In the morning, precisely holiday Nyepi in Bali abolished all activity. Television show, to radio broadcasts as well not exist. People do not travel.
That day I just spent time with my friends told me to just around the house.
Not much I can do on the day of Nyepi.
At night the island of Bali as the island of death, because there is seemingly none of the visible light. At that time I was just thinking to myself to not forget to pray.
The important thing is known, that the day of Nyepi is, in a state of quiet or silent we will be successful conduct introspective, unify mind and uniting creativity, taste, and wills. And the next day there Ngembak called Geni, all Hindus perform the show's Greetings.
By : Made Wisnu Wijaya
Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011
Natural Beauty Of Poetry
Mountain high above the ground
Misty white and bright
Cool weather in the morning
Broad green rice fields
The water in the lake is very cool
Morning dew falling on leaves
Very cool waterfall
And the cool evening dew
Blue water color beach
The air is very cold morning at the beach
On the beach there is a place auction turtle
And the vast sea
The sun is warm
Illuminate the natural environment
Sunlight is good for your body
Make the day seem bright
By; Made Wisnu Wijaya
Misty white and bright
Cool weather in the morning
Broad green rice fields
The water in the lake is very cool
Morning dew falling on leaves
Very cool waterfall
And the cool evening dew
Blue water color beach
The air is very cold morning at the beach
On the beach there is a place auction turtle
And the vast sea
The sun is warm
Illuminate the natural environment
Sunlight is good for your body
Make the day seem bright
By; Made Wisnu Wijaya
Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011
Origin Of The Bali Strait
In the days of yore, there was a boy named Manik Angkeran. His father was a noble character that has wisdom Begawan, Begawan named Sidi spells. Although his father was a well-respected by the community and have extensive knowledge of religion, but Manik Angkeran is a spoiled child, who work only gamble and pitted chicken like brat-brat in this desanya.Mungkin because he had been abandoned by his mother who died during childbirth. Because of that habit, her father's wealth grew out and finally they fall into poverty.
Although their situation was poor, Manik habit Angkeran not reduced, even as he is always losing in gambling, more and more debt and he was in the chase, chased by people who dihutanginya. Finally came the Manik place of his father, and with a sad tone she asked her father to pay his debts. Because Manik Angkeran is her only son, Sidi Mantra Begawan felt sorry and promised to pay his debts.
So with her inner strength, Begawan Sidi Mantra get hints that there is a mountain called Mount Agung is situated on the east. In Gunung Agung is said to have abundant wealth. Armed with these instructions, go Begawan Sidi Mantra to Mount Agung with a clapper his cult.
After a long journey, and came to Mount Agung. Immediately she said, sounding gentanya mantra. And out of a dragon named Dragon Besukih.
"Hi Begawan Sidi Mantra, what are you calling me?" said the Dragon Besukih.
"The Besukih, fortune has been spent on my son to gamble. Now that the debt piled up, he was being chased by people. Please, help me so I can pay my debt! "
"All right, I'll fulfill your request Begawan Sidi Mantra, but you must advise your son not to gamble anymore, because you know that gambling is forbidden religion!"
"I promise I will advise my son" said Sidi Mantra Begawan.
Then the Dragon Besukih vibrating body and scales that fell soon turned gold and diamonds.
"Take Begawan Sidi Mantra. Pay your debts. And do not forget to advise him not to gamble again. "
Picking up gold and diamonds and do not forget to say thanks, then Begawan Sidi Mantra to get out of Mount Agung. Then he returned to his home in East Java. Arriving home, pay all debts in their children and do not forget he advised his son not to gamble again.
But apparently his father's advice was ignored by Manik Angkeran. She fixed gambling and pitted chicken every day. Over time, debt Angkeran Manik any more and he was in the chase-chase again by people who dihutanginya. And as before, go Manik Angkeran facing his father and begged for her debts paid off again.
Although with a slightly annoyed, as a father, Sidi Mantra Begawan also promised to pay off these debts. And immediately he went to Mount Agung to appeal to the Dragon Besukih for granted relief again.
When he arrived he was on Mount Agung, dibunyikannya bells and the reading of spells for the Dragon Besukih out of the palace.
Not for some time, finally the Dragon Besukih out of his palace.
"What else Begawan Sidi Mantra? Why did you call me again? "asked the Dragon Besukih.
"The Besukih Sorry, again I ask your help so I can pay my debts. I've not got anything else and I've advised him not to gamble, but he did not menghiraukanku. "beg Begawan Sidi Mantra.
"Your son seems to have no respect for their parents again. But I'll help you for the last time. Remember, the last time. "
Then the Dragon to move his body and Sidi Mantra Begawan collect gold and gems that come from the scales falling body. Then Begawan Sidi Mantra even say goodbye. And arrival at home, Sidi Mantra Begawan immediately pay off his debts.
Due to the ease Begawan Sidi Mantra mendaptkan treasure, Manik Angkeran felt surprised to see it. Then said Manik Angkeran to his father, "Daddy, where did the father get all that wealth?"
"Come on Angkeran Manik, do not you ask where the father gets the treasure. Stop gambling and risking the chicken, because it is prohibited by all religions. And this for the last time father to help you. Next time when you owe more, fathers will not help you anymore. "
But it turns out Manik Angkeran unable to leave his bad habits, he still continues to gamble and gambling. So in a short time had accumulated many debts. And although he had requested the help of his father, his father still would not help him anymore. So he was determined to find out the source of his wealth.
Ask it to and fro, and some of his friends told him that his father got a wealth of Mount Agung. Because of greed, Manik Angkeran also stole his father's bell and went to Mount Agung.
Arriving at the Mount Agung, immediately he rang the bell. Hearing the sound of the bell, the Dragon Besukih felt compelled by it, but the Dragon surprised, because they do not hear the usual mantras are pronounced by Sidi Mantra Begawan when the bell rang.
The Dragons came out to see who comes calling.
Once out, met the Dragon by Manik Angkeran. Seeing Manik Angkeran, the Dragon Besukih also could not resist his anger.
"Hi Manik Angkeran! There is what you call me with clapper that you stole from your father? "
With the attitude of pleading, Manik also said "the Dragon help me. Give me the treasure in abundance so I can pay the debt-hutangku. If this time I can not pay it, people will kill me. Have mercy on me. "
Seeing the sadness Manik Angkeran, the Dragon also felt sorry.
"All right, I'll help." replied the Dragon Besukih.
After giving advice to the Manik Angkeran, the Dragon immediately turned around to retrieve treasure that will be given to the Manik Angkeran. At the Dragon's head and his body sank into the earth to retrieve the treasure, Manik Angkeran saw the Dragon tail dipemukaan earth is filled with diamonds and jewels, there arose his evil intentions. Manik Angkeran immediately drew his dagger and cut the tail of the Dragon Besukih. The Dragon Besukih wriggle and immediately turn around. However, Manik Angkeran gone. The Dragons were soon chasing Beads in all directions, but he could not find Angkeran Manik, who met only the former Angkeran Manik footprints.
So with spiritual power, the Dragon Besukih burn marks Angkeran Manik footprints. Although Manik Angkeran was far from the Dragon, but with the Dragon Besukih magic, he still felt the burning of the soles of the feet so the body Manik Angkeran was hot so he collapsed and over time become ashes.
In East Java, Begawan Sidi Mantra Beads are anxious because their children have been lost and the bell Angkeran his cult was also missing. But Begawan Sidi Mantra know if gentanya taken by his son Manik Angkeran and felt that her son went to the Mount Agung meet the Dragon Besukih. Therefore she went to Mount Agung.
Arriving at Mount Agung, he saw the Dragon Besukih were outside his palace. With haste Begawan Sidi Mantra asked the Dragon Besukih "O Sang Besukih, is there anything my son Manik Angkeran come here?"
"Yes, he has come here to ask for the treasure that will be wearing to pay off its debts. But when I turned about to take the treasure for him, my tail dipotonglah by it. And I have been burned to disappear, because your attitude does not know that reciprocation. Now what is the purpose of coming here, Begawan Sidi Mantra? "
"I'm sorry, the Besukih! My son's just one, so I ask that my son brought back to life. "beg the Begawan.
"For the sake of our friendship, I will fulfill your request. But on one condition, please return my tail as before. "said the Dragon Besukih.
"Well, I too will be eligible!" said Sidi Mantra Begawan.
And by deploying their own forces, Manik Angkeran was alive again. Similarly, the tail of the Dragon Besukih be returned intact as before.
Manik Dinasehatinya Angkeran by the Dragon Besukih and Sidi Mantra Begawan at length and then returned Begawan Sidi Mantra to East Java. But Manik Angkeran should not come back, he should stay in the vicinity of Mount Agung. Because Manik Angkeran already aware of and change, he did not disobey his father's commands and obey them.
And on his return, when Begawan Sidi Mantra reached the Land of the Citadel, in torehkannya wand to the ground to create a boundary with her son. Immediately incision was also used to grow wider and the sea water rose menggenanginya. And over time into a strait. Strait that is now given the name "Bali Strait".
By : Made Wisnu Wijaya
Although their situation was poor, Manik habit Angkeran not reduced, even as he is always losing in gambling, more and more debt and he was in the chase, chased by people who dihutanginya. Finally came the Manik place of his father, and with a sad tone she asked her father to pay his debts. Because Manik Angkeran is her only son, Sidi Mantra Begawan felt sorry and promised to pay his debts.
So with her inner strength, Begawan Sidi Mantra get hints that there is a mountain called Mount Agung is situated on the east. In Gunung Agung is said to have abundant wealth. Armed with these instructions, go Begawan Sidi Mantra to Mount Agung with a clapper his cult.
After a long journey, and came to Mount Agung. Immediately she said, sounding gentanya mantra. And out of a dragon named Dragon Besukih.
"Hi Begawan Sidi Mantra, what are you calling me?" said the Dragon Besukih.
"The Besukih, fortune has been spent on my son to gamble. Now that the debt piled up, he was being chased by people. Please, help me so I can pay my debt! "
"All right, I'll fulfill your request Begawan Sidi Mantra, but you must advise your son not to gamble anymore, because you know that gambling is forbidden religion!"
"I promise I will advise my son" said Sidi Mantra Begawan.
Then the Dragon Besukih vibrating body and scales that fell soon turned gold and diamonds.
"Take Begawan Sidi Mantra. Pay your debts. And do not forget to advise him not to gamble again. "
Picking up gold and diamonds and do not forget to say thanks, then Begawan Sidi Mantra to get out of Mount Agung. Then he returned to his home in East Java. Arriving home, pay all debts in their children and do not forget he advised his son not to gamble again.
But apparently his father's advice was ignored by Manik Angkeran. She fixed gambling and pitted chicken every day. Over time, debt Angkeran Manik any more and he was in the chase-chase again by people who dihutanginya. And as before, go Manik Angkeran facing his father and begged for her debts paid off again.
Although with a slightly annoyed, as a father, Sidi Mantra Begawan also promised to pay off these debts. And immediately he went to Mount Agung to appeal to the Dragon Besukih for granted relief again.
When he arrived he was on Mount Agung, dibunyikannya bells and the reading of spells for the Dragon Besukih out of the palace.
Not for some time, finally the Dragon Besukih out of his palace.
"What else Begawan Sidi Mantra? Why did you call me again? "asked the Dragon Besukih.
"The Besukih Sorry, again I ask your help so I can pay my debts. I've not got anything else and I've advised him not to gamble, but he did not menghiraukanku. "beg Begawan Sidi Mantra.
"Your son seems to have no respect for their parents again. But I'll help you for the last time. Remember, the last time. "
Then the Dragon to move his body and Sidi Mantra Begawan collect gold and gems that come from the scales falling body. Then Begawan Sidi Mantra even say goodbye. And arrival at home, Sidi Mantra Begawan immediately pay off his debts.
Due to the ease Begawan Sidi Mantra mendaptkan treasure, Manik Angkeran felt surprised to see it. Then said Manik Angkeran to his father, "Daddy, where did the father get all that wealth?"
"Come on Angkeran Manik, do not you ask where the father gets the treasure. Stop gambling and risking the chicken, because it is prohibited by all religions. And this for the last time father to help you. Next time when you owe more, fathers will not help you anymore. "
But it turns out Manik Angkeran unable to leave his bad habits, he still continues to gamble and gambling. So in a short time had accumulated many debts. And although he had requested the help of his father, his father still would not help him anymore. So he was determined to find out the source of his wealth.
Ask it to and fro, and some of his friends told him that his father got a wealth of Mount Agung. Because of greed, Manik Angkeran also stole his father's bell and went to Mount Agung.
Arriving at the Mount Agung, immediately he rang the bell. Hearing the sound of the bell, the Dragon Besukih felt compelled by it, but the Dragon surprised, because they do not hear the usual mantras are pronounced by Sidi Mantra Begawan when the bell rang.
The Dragons came out to see who comes calling.
Once out, met the Dragon by Manik Angkeran. Seeing Manik Angkeran, the Dragon Besukih also could not resist his anger.
"Hi Manik Angkeran! There is what you call me with clapper that you stole from your father? "
With the attitude of pleading, Manik also said "the Dragon help me. Give me the treasure in abundance so I can pay the debt-hutangku. If this time I can not pay it, people will kill me. Have mercy on me. "
Seeing the sadness Manik Angkeran, the Dragon also felt sorry.
"All right, I'll help." replied the Dragon Besukih.
After giving advice to the Manik Angkeran, the Dragon immediately turned around to retrieve treasure that will be given to the Manik Angkeran. At the Dragon's head and his body sank into the earth to retrieve the treasure, Manik Angkeran saw the Dragon tail dipemukaan earth is filled with diamonds and jewels, there arose his evil intentions. Manik Angkeran immediately drew his dagger and cut the tail of the Dragon Besukih. The Dragon Besukih wriggle and immediately turn around. However, Manik Angkeran gone. The Dragons were soon chasing Beads in all directions, but he could not find Angkeran Manik, who met only the former Angkeran Manik footprints.
So with spiritual power, the Dragon Besukih burn marks Angkeran Manik footprints. Although Manik Angkeran was far from the Dragon, but with the Dragon Besukih magic, he still felt the burning of the soles of the feet so the body Manik Angkeran was hot so he collapsed and over time become ashes.
In East Java, Begawan Sidi Mantra Beads are anxious because their children have been lost and the bell Angkeran his cult was also missing. But Begawan Sidi Mantra know if gentanya taken by his son Manik Angkeran and felt that her son went to the Mount Agung meet the Dragon Besukih. Therefore she went to Mount Agung.
Arriving at Mount Agung, he saw the Dragon Besukih were outside his palace. With haste Begawan Sidi Mantra asked the Dragon Besukih "O Sang Besukih, is there anything my son Manik Angkeran come here?"
"Yes, he has come here to ask for the treasure that will be wearing to pay off its debts. But when I turned about to take the treasure for him, my tail dipotonglah by it. And I have been burned to disappear, because your attitude does not know that reciprocation. Now what is the purpose of coming here, Begawan Sidi Mantra? "
"I'm sorry, the Besukih! My son's just one, so I ask that my son brought back to life. "beg the Begawan.
"For the sake of our friendship, I will fulfill your request. But on one condition, please return my tail as before. "said the Dragon Besukih.
"Well, I too will be eligible!" said Sidi Mantra Begawan.
And by deploying their own forces, Manik Angkeran was alive again. Similarly, the tail of the Dragon Besukih be returned intact as before.
Manik Dinasehatinya Angkeran by the Dragon Besukih and Sidi Mantra Begawan at length and then returned Begawan Sidi Mantra to East Java. But Manik Angkeran should not come back, he should stay in the vicinity of Mount Agung. Because Manik Angkeran already aware of and change, he did not disobey his father's commands and obey them.
And on his return, when Begawan Sidi Mantra reached the Land of the Citadel, in torehkannya wand to the ground to create a boundary with her son. Immediately incision was also used to grow wider and the sea water rose menggenanginya. And over time into a strait. Strait that is now given the name "Bali Strait".
By : Made Wisnu Wijaya
One day, there lived a family in the coastal area of Sumatra. The family had a kid named Malin Kundang. Due to very poor condition of their families, the father's master decided to go to the country side.
Great expectations and her mother's master, one day his father came home with a lot of money that will be able to buy daily necessities. After months of his old master was my father did not come, and finally pupuslah Malin Kundang and her mother's expectations.
After Malin Kundang growing up, he thought to make a living in the country side in the hope that later on when returning to my hometown, he has become a very rich. Finally Malin Kundang go sailing along with a merchant ship captain in his hometown that has been successful.
During his stay on the ship, Malin Kundang lot to learn about seamanship on the crew that has been experienced. Malin studied hard on his friends shipping on more experienced, and ultimately he's very good at shipping.
Many islands have been, up to a day in the middle of the trip, suddenly climbed Malin Kundang ships were attacked by pirates. All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates. Even most of the crew and people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin Kundang very lucky he was not killed by the pirates, because when it happened, Malin immediately hid in a small space enclosed by the timber.
Malin Kundang float amid sea, until finally the host ship stranded on a beach. With the rest of the existing power, Malin Kundang walked to the nearby village of beach. Arriving in the village, Malin Kundang helped by people in the village after previously telling incident that happened to him. Malin village where villagers stranded is very fertile. With tenacity and perseverance in work, over time Malin had become a very rich. He has many fruit merchant ships with the children of more than 100 people. After becoming rich, Malin Kundang marry a girl to become his wife.
After a long marriage, Malin and his wife make the voyage with a large and beautiful ship with the crew and a lot of bodyguards. Mother Malin Kundang that every day waiting for his son, saw a very beautiful ship, the entrance to the harbor. He saw two people who were standing on the deck of a ship. He believes that it is her son standing with his wife Malin Kundang.
Malin Kundang stepped down from the ship. He was greeted by his mother. Once close enough, his mother saw right dilengan dozen injured person, the more convinced his mother that he was approached Malin Kundang. "Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long without sending you?", he said, hugging Malin Kundang. But Kundang immediately release her mother's arms and pushed him up to fall. "Women do not know myself, as my mother said carelessly, " said Malin Kundang at his mother. Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her mother, because of shame with her mother who is old and wearing tattered clothes. "She was your mother?", Tanya wife Malin Kundang. "No, he was just a beggar who pretended to be admitted as a mom to get my property, " Malin said to his wife. Hearing statement and treated arbitrarily by his son, the mother of Malin Kundang very angry. He did not expect him to be rebellious child. Because anger is mounting, Malin's mother tipped his hand, saying "Oh God, if he my son, I sumpahi he became a stone. " Not long after the wind storm roared loud and came to destroy the ship master Kundang. After that Malin Kundang body slowly becomes rigid and in time they finally shaped into a rock.
By : Made Wisnu Wijaya
Great expectations and her mother's master, one day his father came home with a lot of money that will be able to buy daily necessities. After months of his old master was my father did not come, and finally pupuslah Malin Kundang and her mother's expectations.
After Malin Kundang growing up, he thought to make a living in the country side in the hope that later on when returning to my hometown, he has become a very rich. Finally Malin Kundang go sailing along with a merchant ship captain in his hometown that has been successful.
During his stay on the ship, Malin Kundang lot to learn about seamanship on the crew that has been experienced. Malin studied hard on his friends shipping on more experienced, and ultimately he's very good at shipping.
Many islands have been, up to a day in the middle of the trip, suddenly climbed Malin Kundang ships were attacked by pirates. All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates. Even most of the crew and people on the ship were killed by the pirates. Malin Kundang very lucky he was not killed by the pirates, because when it happened, Malin immediately hid in a small space enclosed by the timber.
Malin Kundang float amid sea, until finally the host ship stranded on a beach. With the rest of the existing power, Malin Kundang walked to the nearby village of beach. Arriving in the village, Malin Kundang helped by people in the village after previously telling incident that happened to him. Malin village where villagers stranded is very fertile. With tenacity and perseverance in work, over time Malin had become a very rich. He has many fruit merchant ships with the children of more than 100 people. After becoming rich, Malin Kundang marry a girl to become his wife.
After a long marriage, Malin and his wife make the voyage with a large and beautiful ship with the crew and a lot of bodyguards. Mother Malin Kundang that every day waiting for his son, saw a very beautiful ship, the entrance to the harbor. He saw two people who were standing on the deck of a ship. He believes that it is her son standing with his wife Malin Kundang.
Malin Kundang stepped down from the ship. He was greeted by his mother. Once close enough, his mother saw right dilengan dozen injured person, the more convinced his mother that he was approached Malin Kundang. "Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long without sending you?", he said, hugging Malin Kundang. But Kundang immediately release her mother's arms and pushed him up to fall. "Women do not know myself, as my mother said carelessly, " said Malin Kundang at his mother. Malin Kundang pretended not to recognize her mother, because of shame with her mother who is old and wearing tattered clothes. "She was your mother?", Tanya wife Malin Kundang. "No, he was just a beggar who pretended to be admitted as a mom to get my property, " Malin said to his wife. Hearing statement and treated arbitrarily by his son, the mother of Malin Kundang very angry. He did not expect him to be rebellious child. Because anger is mounting, Malin's mother tipped his hand, saying "Oh God, if he my son, I sumpahi he became a stone. " Not long after the wind storm roared loud and came to destroy the ship master Kundang. After that Malin Kundang body slowly becomes rigid and in time they finally shaped into a rock.
By : Made Wisnu Wijaya
Selasa, 11 Januari 2011
Tradisi Penguburan Mayat Di Desa Trunyan
Desa Trunyan merupakan sebuah desa kuno di tepi danau Batur, Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli.
Desa ini merupakan sebuah desa Bali Aga, Bali Mula dengan kehidupan masyarakat yang unik dan menarik Bali Aga, berarti orang Bali pegunungan, sedangkan Bali Mula berarti Bali asli. Kebudayaan orang Trunyan mencerminkan satu pola kebudayaan petani yang konservatif. Terbayang pula suasana kehidupan masyarakat Bali tempo dulu dengan tradisi kuat menyelimuti desa ini.
Berdasarkan folk etimologi, penduduk Trunyan mempersepsikan diri dan jati diri mereka dalam dua versi. Versi pertama, orang Trunyan adalah orang Bali Turunan, karena mereka percaya bahwa leluhur mereka ‘turun’ dari langit ke bumi Trunyan. Terkait dengan versi ini, orang Trunyan mempunyai satu mite atau dongeng suci mengenai asal-usul penduduk Trunyan adalah seorang Dewi dari langit.
Berdasarkan folk etimologi, penduduk Trunyan mempersepsikan diri dan jati diri mereka dalam dua versi. Versi pertama, orang Trunyan adalah orang Bali Turunan, karena mereka percaya bahwa leluhur mereka ‘turun’ dari langit ke bumi Trunyan. Terkait dengan versi ini, orang Trunyan mempunyai satu mite atau dongeng suci mengenai asal-usul penduduk Trunyan adalah seorang Dewi dari langit.
Versi kedua, orang Trunyan hidup dalam sistem ekologi dengan adanya pohon Taru Menyan, yaitu pohon yang menyebarkan bau-bauan wangi. Dari perdaduan kata “taru” dan “menyan” berkembang kata Trunyan yang dipakai nama desa dan nama penduduk desa tersebut.
Trunyan memiliki tradisi yang unik dalam memperlakukan jenasah warganya. Tidak seperti umat Hindu umumnya di Bali yang melangsungkan upacara ngaben untuk pembakaran jenasah, di Trunyan jenasah tidak dibakar melainkan hanya diletakkan di tanah pekuburan. Meskipun mayat hanya diletakan saja, tidak tercium bau busuk dari mayat yang ada dipemakaman tersebut. Konon karena ada pohon-pohon yang berdaun wangi yang diyakini masyarakat trunyan, dapat menyerap bau busuk sehingga meskipun mayat dibiarkan tanpa dikubur, tidak ada bau busuk tercium. Pohon ini dikenal sebagai Taru Menyan .Taru Menyan sendiri diyakini sebagai asal mula nama Desa Trunyan. Konon, pohon ini pernah menyebarkan bau sangat harum. Keharumannya inilah yang menyerap bau busuk mayat-mayat di kuburan ini. Jangan pernah mengambil barang-barang yang ada di sini. Barang-barang itu milik orang-orang yang dikubur di sini.
Secara spesifik, terkait dengan kepercayaan orang Trunyan mengenai penyakit dan kematian, maka cara pemakaman orang Trunyan ada 2 macam yaitu:
1. Meletakkan jenazah diatas tanah dibawah udara terbuka yang disebut dengan istilah mepasah. Orang-orang yang dimakamkan dengan cara mepasah adalah mereka yang pada waktu matinya termasuk orang-orang yang telah berumah tangga, orang-orang yang masih bujangan dan anak kecil yang gigi susunya telah tanggal.
2. Dikubur / dikebumikan. Orang-orang yang dikebumikan setelah meninggal adalah mereka yang cacat tubuhnya, atau pada saat mati terdapat luka yang belum sembuh seperti misalnya terjadi pada tubuh penderita penyakit cacar, lepra dan lainnya. Orang-orang yang mati dengan tidak wajar seperti dibunuh atau bunuh diri juga dikubur. Anak-anak kecil yang gigi susunya belum tanggal juga dikubur saat meninggal.
Untuk keperluan pemakaman, di desa Trunyan terdapat 3 kuburan yaitu:
1.Sema wayah, diperuntukkan untuk pemakaman jenis mepasah.
2.Sema bantas, diperuntuukan untuk dengan penguburan.
3.Sema nguda, diperuntukkan untuk kedua jenis pemakaman yaitu mepasah maupun
Desa ini merupakan sebuah desa Bali Aga, Bali Mula dengan kehidupan masyarakat yang unik dan menarik Bali Aga, berarti orang Bali pegunungan, sedangkan Bali Mula berarti Bali asli. Kebudayaan orang Trunyan mencerminkan satu pola kebudayaan petani yang konservatif. Terbayang pula suasana kehidupan masyarakat Bali tempo dulu dengan tradisi kuat menyelimuti desa ini.
Berdasarkan folk etimologi, penduduk Trunyan mempersepsikan diri dan jati diri mereka dalam dua versi. Versi pertama, orang Trunyan adalah orang Bali Turunan, karena mereka percaya bahwa leluhur mereka ‘turun’ dari langit ke bumi Trunyan. Terkait dengan versi ini, orang Trunyan mempunyai satu mite atau dongeng suci mengenai asal-usul penduduk Trunyan adalah seorang Dewi dari langit.
Berdasarkan folk etimologi, penduduk Trunyan mempersepsikan diri dan jati diri mereka dalam dua versi. Versi pertama, orang Trunyan adalah orang Bali Turunan, karena mereka percaya bahwa leluhur mereka ‘turun’ dari langit ke bumi Trunyan. Terkait dengan versi ini, orang Trunyan mempunyai satu mite atau dongeng suci mengenai asal-usul penduduk Trunyan adalah seorang Dewi dari langit.
Versi kedua, orang Trunyan hidup dalam sistem ekologi dengan adanya pohon Taru Menyan, yaitu pohon yang menyebarkan bau-bauan wangi. Dari perdaduan kata “taru” dan “menyan” berkembang kata Trunyan yang dipakai nama desa dan nama penduduk desa tersebut.
Trunyan memiliki tradisi yang unik dalam memperlakukan jenasah warganya. Tidak seperti umat Hindu umumnya di Bali yang melangsungkan upacara ngaben untuk pembakaran jenasah, di Trunyan jenasah tidak dibakar melainkan hanya diletakkan di tanah pekuburan. Meskipun mayat hanya diletakan saja, tidak tercium bau busuk dari mayat yang ada dipemakaman tersebut. Konon karena ada pohon-pohon yang berdaun wangi yang diyakini masyarakat trunyan, dapat menyerap bau busuk sehingga meskipun mayat dibiarkan tanpa dikubur, tidak ada bau busuk tercium. Pohon ini dikenal sebagai Taru Menyan .Taru Menyan sendiri diyakini sebagai asal mula nama Desa Trunyan. Konon, pohon ini pernah menyebarkan bau sangat harum. Keharumannya inilah yang menyerap bau busuk mayat-mayat di kuburan ini. Jangan pernah mengambil barang-barang yang ada di sini. Barang-barang itu milik orang-orang yang dikubur di sini.
Secara spesifik, terkait dengan kepercayaan orang Trunyan mengenai penyakit dan kematian, maka cara pemakaman orang Trunyan ada 2 macam yaitu:
1. Meletakkan jenazah diatas tanah dibawah udara terbuka yang disebut dengan istilah mepasah. Orang-orang yang dimakamkan dengan cara mepasah adalah mereka yang pada waktu matinya termasuk orang-orang yang telah berumah tangga, orang-orang yang masih bujangan dan anak kecil yang gigi susunya telah tanggal.
2. Dikubur / dikebumikan. Orang-orang yang dikebumikan setelah meninggal adalah mereka yang cacat tubuhnya, atau pada saat mati terdapat luka yang belum sembuh seperti misalnya terjadi pada tubuh penderita penyakit cacar, lepra dan lainnya. Orang-orang yang mati dengan tidak wajar seperti dibunuh atau bunuh diri juga dikubur. Anak-anak kecil yang gigi susunya belum tanggal juga dikubur saat meninggal.
Untuk keperluan pemakaman, di desa Trunyan terdapat 3 kuburan yaitu:
1.Sema wayah, diperuntukkan untuk pemakaman jenis mepasah.
2.Sema bantas, diperuntuukan untuk dengan penguburan.
3.Sema nguda, diperuntukkan untuk kedua jenis pemakaman yaitu mepasah maupun
Tari Barong
Tari Barong adalah tarian khas Bali yang berasal dari khazanah kebudayaan Pra-Hindu. Tarian ini menggambarkan pertarungan antara kebajikan (dharma) dan kebatilan (adharma). Wujud kebajikan dilakonkan oleh Barong, yaitu penari dengan kostum binatang berkaki empat, sementara wujud kebatilan dimainkan oleh Rangda, yaitu sosok yang menyeramkan dengan dua taring runcing di mulutnya.
Ada beberapa jenis Tari Barong yang biasa ditampilkan di Pulau Bali, di antaranya Barong Ket, Barong Bangkal (babi), Barong Macan, Barong Landung. Namun, di antara jenis-jenis Barong tersebut yang paling sering menjadi suguhan wisata adalah Barong Ket, atau Barong Keket yang memiliki kostum dan tarian cukup lengkap.
Kostum Barong Ket umumnya menggambarkan perpaduan antara singa, harimau, dan lembu. Di badannya dihiasi dengan ornamen dari kulit, potongan-potongan kaca cermin, dan juga dilengkapi bulu-bulu dari serat daun pandan. Barong ini dimainkan oleh dua penari (juru saluk/juru bapang): satu penari mengambil posisi di depan memainkan gerak kepala dan kaki depan Barong, sementara penari kedua berada di belakang memainkan kaki belakang dan ekor Barong.
Secara sekilas, Barong Ket tidak jauh berbeda dengan Barongsai yang biasa dipertunjukkan oleh masyarakat Cina. Hanya saja, cerita yang dimainkan dalam pertunjukan ini berbeda, yaitu cerita pertarungan antara Barong dan Rangda yang dilengkapi dengan tokoh-tokoh lainnya, seperti Kera (sahabat Barong), Dewi Kunti, Sadewa (anak Dewi Kunti), serta para pengikut Rangda.
Macam-macam Tari Barong
Barong Ket :
Barong Ket atau Barong Keket adalah tari Barong yang paling banyak terdapat di Bali dan paling sering dipentaskan serta memiliki pebendaharaan gerak tari yang lengkap. Dari wujudnya, Barong Ket ini merupakan perpaduan antara singa, macan, sapi atau boma. Badan Barong ini dihiasi dengan ukiran-ukiran dibuat dari kulit, ditempel kaca cermin yang berkilauan dan bulunya dibuat dari perasok (serat dari daun sejenis tanaman mirip pandan), ijuk atau ada pula dari bulu burung gagak.
Barong Bangkal :
Bangkal artinya babi besar yang berumur tua, oleh sebab itu Barong ini menyerupai seekor bangkal atau bangkung, Barong ini biasa juga disebut Barong Celeng atau Barong Bangkung. Umumnya dipentaskan dengan berkeliling desa (ngelelawang) oleh dua orang penari pada hari-hari tertentu yang dianggap keramat atau saat terjadinya wabah penyakit menyerang desa tanpa membawakan sebuah lakon dan diiringi dengan gamelan batel / tetamburan.
Barong Macan
Sesuai dengan namanya, Barong ini menyerupai seekor macan dan termasuk jenis barong yang terkenal di kalangan masyarakat Bali. Dipentaskannya dengan berkeliling desa dan adakalanya dilengkapi dengan suatu dramatari semacam Arja serta diiringi dengan gamelan batel.
Rangda adalah ratu dari para leak dalam mitologi Bali. Makhluk yang menakutkan ini diceritakan sering menculik dan memakan anak kecil serta memimpin pasukan nenek sihir jahat melawan Barong, yang merupakan simbol kekuatan baik.
Tari Barong adalah tarian khas Bali yang berasal dari khazanah kebudayaan Pra-Hindu. Tarian ini menggambarkan pertarungan antara kebajikan (dharma) dan kebatilan (adharma). Wujud kebajikan dilakonkan oleh Barong, yaitu penari dengan kostum binatang berkaki empat, sementara wujud kebatilan dimainkan oleh Rangda, yaitu sosok yang menyeramkan dengan dua taring runcing di mulutnya.
Ada beberapa jenis Tari Barong yang biasa ditampilkan di Pulau Bali, di antaranya Barong Ket, Barong Bangkal (babi), Barong Macan, Barong Landung. Namun, di antara jenis-jenis Barong tersebut yang paling sering menjadi suguhan wisata adalah Barong Ket, atau Barong Keket yang memiliki kostum dan tarian cukup lengkap.
Kostum Barong Ket umumnya menggambarkan perpaduan antara singa, harimau, dan lembu. Di badannya dihiasi dengan ornamen dari kulit, potongan-potongan kaca cermin, dan juga dilengkapi bulu-bulu dari serat daun pandan. Barong ini dimainkan oleh dua penari (juru saluk/juru bapang): satu penari mengambil posisi di depan memainkan gerak kepala dan kaki depan Barong, sementara penari kedua berada di belakang memainkan kaki belakang dan ekor Barong.
Secara sekilas, Barong Ket tidak jauh berbeda dengan Barongsai yang biasa dipertunjukkan oleh masyarakat Cina. Hanya saja, cerita yang dimainkan dalam pertunjukan ini berbeda, yaitu cerita pertarungan antara Barong dan Rangda yang dilengkapi dengan tokoh-tokoh lainnya, seperti Kera (sahabat Barong), Dewi Kunti, Sadewa (anak Dewi Kunti), serta para pengikut Rangda.
Macam-macam Tari Barong
Barong Ket :
Barong Ket atau Barong Keket adalah tari Barong yang paling banyak terdapat di Bali dan paling sering dipentaskan serta memiliki pebendaharaan gerak tari yang lengkap. Dari wujudnya, Barong Ket ini merupakan perpaduan antara singa, macan, sapi atau boma. Badan Barong ini dihiasi dengan ukiran-ukiran dibuat dari kulit, ditempel kaca cermin yang berkilauan dan bulunya dibuat dari perasok (serat dari daun sejenis tanaman mirip pandan), ijuk atau ada pula dari bulu burung gagak.
Barong Bangkal :
Bangkal artinya babi besar yang berumur tua, oleh sebab itu Barong ini menyerupai seekor bangkal atau bangkung, Barong ini biasa juga disebut Barong Celeng atau Barong Bangkung. Umumnya dipentaskan dengan berkeliling desa (ngelelawang) oleh dua orang penari pada hari-hari tertentu yang dianggap keramat atau saat terjadinya wabah penyakit menyerang desa tanpa membawakan sebuah lakon dan diiringi dengan gamelan batel / tetamburan.
Barong Macan
Sesuai dengan namanya, Barong ini menyerupai seekor macan dan termasuk jenis barong yang terkenal di kalangan masyarakat Bali. Dipentaskannya dengan berkeliling desa dan adakalanya dilengkapi dengan suatu dramatari semacam Arja serta diiringi dengan gamelan batel.
Rangda adalah ratu dari para leak dalam mitologi Bali. Makhluk yang menakutkan ini diceritakan sering menculik dan memakan anak kecil serta memimpin pasukan nenek sihir jahat melawan Barong, yang merupakan simbol kekuatan baik.
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