Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Personal Detail

Full Name : Made Wisnu Wijaya
Nick Name :  Made
Sex : Male
Place, Date of Birth : Denpasar , May 4, 1992
Nationality : Indonesia
Marital Status : Single
Height, Weight : 161 cm, 51 kg
Health : Excelent
Religions : Hindu
Address : Komplek Asrama Gupusmu 3
Phone, Mobile  : 08999045659
E-mail : madewisnuw@yahoo.co.id

Educational Background
1998 - 2004 : Elementary School 20 Pulogebang East Jakarta
2004 - 2007 : Junior High School 172 Jakarta
2007-  2010: Senior High School 1 Denpasar
2010 - now : Faculty  Economy  Management Gunadarma University
About me
My hobby is surfing and playing foot ball or futsal.
I also like to do a culinary tour to explore some of the places to try the distinctive taste of the archipelago one of my favorite menu is Ayam Betutu, and Nasi Be Guling. My most favorite color is brown, blue, and black, enjoy doing.
I am a simple Man.

Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

Experience in Completing Scientific Research

Hello, My Name is Made Wisnu Wijaya. I want to share the experience while taking the time to research ilmiah object in PT. Jasa Marga that is the toll gate Bintara.
First time, one of the experiences in my life recently - has just happened and I probably will not be able to remove from my brain memory is when I reach level three in the sixth semester , at the time me and my friends at Gunadarma University the force required to do the whole force final project called scientific research . Gunadarma university requires all students to work on and finish their scientific research as scientific research is a requirement to obtain the equivalent of a bachelor 's degree and scientific research is also one of the requirements at the end of the eighth semester for students to sign up for the trial S1 . If a student has not completed their scientific research until the final stage where they will earn the equivalent baccalaureate degree , they surely would have difficulty registering S1 session later in the future .
At the moment we are working on scientific research we will get help from the supervisor who was chosen by the university. Grade we were divided into two groups, groups a and b. each group consisted of twenty-five children who had been randomly selected and arranged by the university. A group will be guided by the mother's Tiwi Anggraini, while group B will be mentored by a father present Hadir.
I myself,  joined in a group that is guided by the mother's Tiwi Anggraini. I was very scared at the same senag will be guided by the mother's Tiwi Anggraini, because I've been taught by him at the time I was at the level of the second semester, he taught my class introductory course of business, so personally I already know the system taught by the mother's tiwi anggraini. he was someone who was very stern and serious in teaching. therefore I was very worried when I made ​​a mistake at the time of the mother's guidance by Tiwi Anggraini.
His first meeting with our class took place in the university campus Gunadarma j1, during the first meeting immediately gives the impression that he could make 24 people in the class I was worried, because he is very firm figure. maybe one person who does not merasalan it was my first impression as I've been taught by him.
Guidance was held, from week to week. At the moment we are not easy to obtain guidance from his acc to proceed from one chapter to another chapter. Personally I was somewhat difficult because he was someone who perfeksionis.                                                                                 
He wants us to truly understand the research that we do, so we do not just chase acc of his word but he also expects us to really understand what slope carefully. Although we are very difficult to obtain acc words but from his system applied by us so many benefits. we really know about our research.
I am so very grateful when doing research guided by the mother 's Tiwi Anggraini though he is a figure that could be considered is a perfectionist but thanks to him was when I was siding scientific research , I was very smooth face three examiners in my room siding . when hurled question after question by the examiner , I can directly answer smoothly because I was really familiar with my research . I was not too long in the courtroom because I was very, very master of my research . and all of it is because of my cooperation with my supervisor yangat very solid , thanks to his guidance , we, twenty- five children lancer his guidance in facing siding scientific research . I personally am very happy because my siding result was obtained a satisfactory score , I got a B on my research . I am very, very grateful I was able to resolve the scientific research in a timely manner and not get complicated revisions . This is one of my life experiences that can be fairly emotionally draining energy and soul is the mind .. yaah this is an experience I will never forget anytime soon and maybe my experience will be valuable I told my other brothers.
Scientific research that I did with the title of the production inventory control analysis almas collection really change my perspective about work, where this research taught me to work beyond the limit, I mean here is when I am working outside the limits of my abilities that I could expect to do so results created in the end really is very satisfying because of that I know that I am able to work beyond my own expectations.
As my most precious memory, because my experience is experience that really taught us to work seriously, honest work and especially work with full dedication for ourselves. because scientific research is the first step of our gates or to begin to learn the author. moreover it is very necessary especially for students who will be menenmpuh thesis track.
I myself am very, very happy to have a life experience that not only can not be forgotten, but I have a meaningful life experience and wisdom and essence can be taken as a guide to his sister my juniors who will do scientific research in six semesters later.
on this occasion I personally want to thank the people who have helped and support me for doing scientific research. thank you to my parents who have provided support and encouragement to me and to my supervisor, do not forget I want to thank my fellow soldier friend who is also working on scientific research, a group of 24 members belonging to the children who became guidance of the mother's child Tiwi Anggraini.
I hope that scientific research can be a guide for us, especially in terms of working on writing quality, weighty and useful for others. A few of my life experiences that I may tell you from my life experience is instructive for all of you who read about my writing. Once again, the fun can be completed in a timely scientitfic research with a very nice object. Thank you.

Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

Contoh Model Surat Full Block

Jalan Pisang 134

1 April 2014
Nomor : 04/A/IV/14
Lampiran: –
Perihal : Produk Sepatu
Kepada CV.“Lima Berlian”
Jalan Gatsu 55

Dengan hormat, Dari iklan yang dimuat di Harian Sinar Harapan yang terbit 7 bulan ini kami membaca bahwa Tuan mempunyai cukup persediaan sepatu dengan merek spec* berukuran 40-45.
Oleh karena iklannya hanya menjelaskan dengan dijual “Banting” maka dengan keterangan itu kami minta Tuan suka memberikan keterangan lebih lanjut tentang harga yang dimaksudkan. Hal itu perlu kami tanyakan tentang berapa harga dan bagaimana tentang potongan atau premi yang dapat kami peroleh, apabila kami membeli dalam partai besar.
Jika nanti syarat-syaratnya memuaskan dan kami setuju, maka kami akan memesan paling sedikit 100 peti dari setiap jenis barang yang Tuan tawarkan itu.
Kami sangat menunggu keterangan Tuan secepatnya, hingga kami dapat mengatur pesanan yang akan kami kirimkan dengan segera.

Hormat kami,

Made Wisnu Wijaya

Contoh Bentuk Semi Block

Jalan Abimanyu 67

Nomor : 1.B/IV/2014                                                                                                            1 April 2014
Perihal : Pemeriksaan Buku

CV. “Karya Indah”
Jalan Raden Saleh 41

Tuan yang terhormat,
Membalas surat Tuan satu minggu yang lalu, dengan ini kami kabarkan bahwa Laporan dari Ahli Pemeriksa Buku Dagang kami telah mengirimkan kepada Tuan satu bulan yang lalu. Mungkin Laporan tersebut tidak sampai kepada Tuan.
Seperti ternyata dalam Neraca itu keuntungan Tuan dalam Tahun 2011 sebesar Rp 150 juta. Keuntungan ini kami anggap masih kurang besar, menilik keadaan CV Tuan yang yang cukup besar dan memuskan. Kami berani pastikan bahwa keuntungan pada tahun yang akan datang bisa mencapai 10% lebih kalau dijalankan lebih teliti. Pos-pos ongkos misalnya tentu dapat diturunkan dengan beberapa ratus ribu rupiah.
Selanjutnya kami sarankan agar Tuan memperbesar kapital Tuan mengingat hasil-hasil
yang Tuan peroleh dalam tahun yang lalu tak sukar mencari kapital yang dibutuhkan.
Demikin saran-saran kami secara singkat, untuk mendalami semua bagian CV. Tuan kami
persilahkan membaca laporan trakhir.

Hormat kami,
 Made Wisnu Wijaya


Jalan Semangka 4

Nomor : 1.B/V/2013                                                                                                             1 April 2014
Lampiran:- -
Perihal : Pemberitahuan
CV. “Abadi Jaya”
Jalan Mawar 4

Tuan yang terhormat,
Membalas surat Tuan satu minggu yang lalu, dengan ini kami kabarkan bahwa Laporan dari Ahli Pemeriksa Buku Dagang kami telah mengirimkan kepada Tuan sa-tu bulan yang lalu. Mungkin Laporan tersebut tidak sampai kepada Tuan.
Seperti ternyata dalam Neraca itu keuntungan Tuan dalam Tahun 2011 sebesar Rp 150 juta. Keuntungan ini kami anggap masih kurang besar, menilik ke-adaan CV Tuan yang yang cukup besar dan memuskan. Kami berani pastikan bah-wa keuntungan pada tahun yang akan datang bisa mencapai 10% lebih kalau dija-lankan lebih teliti. Pos-pos ongkos misalnya tentu dapat diturunkan dengan beberapa ratus ribu rupiah.
Selanjutnya kami sarankan agar Tuan memperbesar kapital Tuan mengingat hasil-hasil yang Tuan peroleh dalam tahun yang lalu tak sukar mencari kapital yang dibutuhkan.
Demikin saran-saran kami secara singkat, untuk mendalami semua bagian CV. Tuan kami
persilahkan membaca laporan trakhir.

Hormat Kami
Made Wisnu Wijaya

Contoh Surat Block Style

Jalan Jambu 111
Nomor : 02/T/IV/07                                                                                                           4 April 2014
Lampiran : –
Perihal : Faktur No.07
Toko. “Supra”
Jalan Mantingan
Dengan hormat,
Baru-baru ini kami telah menerima kiriman tekstil bermacam-macam warna kualitas Jepang dan Hongkong. Coraknya sangat bagus dan harganya turun rata-rata 10%, jika dibandingkan tiga bulan yang lalu. Daftar harga untuk barang-barang tersebut kami lampirkan bersama itu.
Disamping itu kesempatan ini kami pergunakan pula untuk mempertanyakan pula pada Tuan, bahwa pada waktu memeriksa buku-buku debitur kami dapati catatan di sebelah debet sebesar Rp. 2.500.000,00 yaitu mengenai faktur kami No. 07. Menurut perjanjian faktur tersebut sudah Tuan bayar selambat-lambatnya akhir bulan ini. Mungkin karena kesibukan Tuan tidak sempat mengirimkan jumlah uang tersebut.
Sambil menunggu pesanan Tuan kami mengharapkan pembayaran rekening tersebut.

Hormat kami,
Made Wisnu Wijaya

16 Macam Tenses Dan Contoh Kalimatnya

1) Positif (+) = S+V1(es/s)+O
2) Negatif (-) = S+Do/does+Not+V1+O
3) Introgatif(?) =Do/does+S+V1+O
1. (+) He writes a letter every month
    (-) He doesn’t writes a letter every month
    (?) Does he writes a letter every month?
2. (+) She teaches English every week
    (- ) She doesn’t teaches English every week
    (?) Does she teaches English every week?
3.(+) They studys matematic every day
   (- ) They don’t studys matematic every day
   (?) Do they studys matematic every day?

1. Positif : S+V.ing+O
2. Negatif : S+do/does+not+V1+O
3. Introgatif : Do/does +S+V1+O
1. (+) I am teaching English at the first grade of SMK cantik
    (-) I am not teaching English at the first grade of SMK cantik
(?) Am I teaching Englidh at the first grade of SMK cantik ?
2. (+) you are writing present continous now
    (-) you are not writing present continous now
    (?) are you writing present continous now?
3. (+) we are learning tenses now
    (-) we are not learning tenses now
    (?) are we learning tenses now?

1. Positif (+) : S+V2+O
Negatif (-) : S+Did not+V2+O
Introgatif (?): Did+S+V2+O

1. (+) Sarah invite me last week
    (-) Sarah did not invite last week
    (?) Did Sarah invite last week?
2. (+) I went to Jakarta yesterday
    (-) I went not to Jakarta yesterday
    (?) went I to Jakarta yesterday?
3. (+) You watch tv last week
    (-) You did not watch tv last week
    (?) Did you watch tv last week?

1. Positif (+): S+was/were+vVing+O
2. Negatif (-): S+was/were+not+v.ing+o
3. introgatif (?): was/were+S+v.ing+o

1. (+)The third year student were sitting behind the teacher’s now yesterday
    (-) The third year student were not sitting behind the teacher’s now yesrterday
    (?) Were the third year student sitting behind the teacher’s now yesterday?
2. (+) He was playing football yesterday
    (-) He was not playing football yesterday
    (?) was he playing football yesterday?
3. (+) They were working in the office yesterday
    (-) They were not working in the office yesterday
    (?) Were they working in the office yesterday?
1. Positif (+): S+shall+/will+V1+O
2. Negatif(-): S+shall/will+not+V1+O
3. Introgatif (?): Shall/will+S+V1+O

1. (+) He will go to Pasir Panjang tomorrow morning
(-) He will not go to Pasir Panjang tomorrow morning
(?) Will he go to pasir Panjang tomorrow morning?
2. (+) I shall study hard next mounth
(-) I shall not study hard next mounth
(?) Shall I study hard next mounth?
3. (+) I am go to Singkawang tomorrow
(-) I am not go to Singkawang tomorrow
(?) Am I ga to Sngkawang tomorrow?

1. Positif (+): S+should/would+V1+O
2. Negatif (-): S+should/would+not+V1+O
3. Introgatif (?): Should/would+S+V1+O

1. (+) I should go to Mojosari next day
    (-) I should not go to Mojosari next day
    (?) Should I go to Mojosari next day?
2. (+) He would by a car the day before
    (-) He would not by a car the day before
    (?) Would He by a car the day before?
3. (+) He would come if you invited him
    (-) He would not come if you invited him
    (?) Would he come if you invited him?

1. Posituf   (+) : S+have/has+V3+O
2. Negatif    (-) : S+have/has+not+V3+O
3. Introgatif (?): Have/has+S+V3+O

1. (+) We have learned English for two years
    (-) We have not learned English for two years
    (?) Have we learned English for two years?
2. (+) She has taught English since 1988
    (-) She has not taught English since 1988
    (?) Has she taught English since 1988?
3. (+) He has been to Jakarta before
    (-) He has not been to Jakarta before
    (?) Has he been to Jakarta before?

1. Positif    (+): S+had+V3+O
2. Negatif   (-): S+had not+V3+o
3. Intrigattif (?):Had+S+V3+O

1. (+) The train had left before I arrived
    (-) The train had not left before I arrived
    (?) Had the train left before I arrived?
2. (+) I had copied the lesson before she come home
    (-) I had not copied the lesson before she come home
    (?) Had I copied the lesson before she come home?
3. (+) I had come home before I week three
    (-) I had not come home before I week three
    (?) Had I come home before I week three?

1. Positif    (+): S+shall/will+be+Ving+O
2. Negatif   (-): S+shall/will+not+be+Ving+O
3. Introgatif (?): Shall/will+S+be+ving+O

1. (+) I shall be waiting for you in this station at four
    (-) I shall not be waiting for you in this station at four
    (?) Shall I be waiting for you in this station at four?
2. (+) I shall be studying at this time tomorrow
    (-) I shall not be studying at this time tomorrow
    (?) Shall I be studying at this time tomorrow?
3. (+) I shall be waiting for you in this airport at three o’clock tomorrow evening
    (-) I shall not be waiting for you in this airport at three o’clock tomorrow evening
    (?) Shall I be waiting for you in this airport at three o’clock tomorrow evening?
1. Positif   (+): S+have/has+been+Ving+O
2. Negatif  (-): S+have/has+not+been+Ving+O
3. Itrogatif (?): Have/has+S+been+Ving+O

1. (+) I have been going to Pantai Samudra for my holiday since 2002
    (-) I have not going to Painting Samudra for my holiday since 2002
    (?) Have I going to Pantai Samudra for my holiday since 2002?
2. (+) Mr.Burhanudin Simanjuntak has been teaching at SMK 2 MEI since 2003
    (-) Mr.Burhanudin Simanjuntak has not been teaching at SMK 2 MEI since 2003
    (?) Has Mr.Burhanudin Simanjuntak been teaching at SMK 2 MEI since 2003?
3. (+) She has been painting every day for a long time
    (-) She has not painting every day for a long time
    (?) Has she painting every day or along time?

1. Positif    (+): S+had+been+vVng+O
2. Negatif    (-) :S+had+not+been+Ving+O
3. Introgatif (?): Had+s+been+ving+o

1. (+) Dodi had been looking for the girl for a year before he applied her
    (-) Dodi had not been looking for the girl for a year before heapplied her
    (?) Had Dodi been looking for the girl for a year before he applied her?
2. (+) I had been playing a football when they came
    (-) I had not been playing a football when they came
    (?) Had I been playing a football when they came?
3. (+) She had been cooking a vegetable when he came
    (-) She had not been cooking a vegetable when he came
    (?) had she been cooking a vegetable when he came?

1. Positif (+): S+will/shall+have+V3+O
2. negatif (-) : S+will/shall+not+have+V3+O
3. Introgatif (?): Will/shall+S+have+V3+O

1. (+) She will have written his lesson by time he go out
    (-) She will not have written his lesson by time he go out
    (?) Will she have written his lesson by time he go out?
2. (+) The game will finished by the time he get three
    (-) The game will not finished by the time he get three
    (?) Will the game finished by the time he get three?
3. (+) I shall have written a letter by eight o’clock tomorrow
    (-) I shall not have written a letter by eight o’clock tomorrow
    (?) Shall I have written a letter by eight o’clock tomorrow?
1. Positif    (+): S+shall/will+have+been+Ving+O
2. Negatif    (-): S+shall+will+not+have+been+Ving+O
3. Introgatif (?):Shall/will+S+have+been+Ving+O

1. (+) I shall have been writing a letter at this time tomorrow
    (-) I shall not have been writing a letter at this time tomorrow
    (?) Shall I have been writing a letter at this time tomorrow?
2. (+) By next fast day I shall have been teaching here six mounths
    (-) By next fast day I shall not have been teaching here six mounths
    (?) By next fast day shall I have been teaching here six mounths?
3. (+) Next moon Hevy will have been studying here for two years
    (-) Next moon Hevy will not have been studying here for two years
    (?) Next moon will Hevy have been studying here for two years?

1. Positif    (+): S+should/would+be+Ving+O
2. Negatif    (-): S+should/would+not+be+V.ing+O
3. Introgatif (?): Should/would+S+be+V.ing+O

1. (+) I should be finishing this home work at this time following week
    (-) I should not be finishing this home work at this time following week
    (?) Should I be finishing this home work at this time following week?
2. (+) We should be going to beach the following week
    (-) We should not be going to beach the following week
    (?) Should we be going to beach the following week?
3. (+) He would be flag ceremony at this time the following day
    (-) He would not be flag ceremony at this time the following day
    (?) Would he be flag ceremony at this time the following day?

1. Positif    (+): S+should/would+have+V2+O
2. Negatif    (-): S+should/would+not+have+V2+O
3. Introgatif (?): Should/would+S+not+have+V2+O

1. (+) I should have paif if I had come here
    (-) I should not have paif if I had come here
    (?) Should I have paif if I had come here?
2. (+) He would have sucses if he had worked here
    (-) He would not have sucses if he had worked here
    (?) Would he have sucses if he had worked here?
3. (+) She would have graduated if she had studied hard
    (-) She would not have graduated if she had studied hard
    (?) Would she have graduated if she had studied hard?

1. Positif     (+): S+should/would+have+been+V.ing+O
2. Negatif     (-): S+should/would+not+have+been+V.ing+O
3. Inttrogatif (?): Should/would+S+have+been+V.ing+O

1. (+) By last Febuary I should have been working this restaurant for one year
    (-) By last Febuary I should not have been working this restaurant for one year
    (?) should by last Febuary I have been working this restaurant for one year?
2. (+) By last July we should have been studying this school for three years
    (-) By last July we should not have been studying this school for three year
    (?) Should by last July we have been studying this school for three years?
3. (+) By last fast day he would have been living this apartement for five years
    (-) By last fast day he would not have been living this apartement for five years
    (?) Would by last fast day he have been living this apartement for five years?